Belly fat is one of the most stubborn and unwanted types of fat. Even people who aren’t considered clinically overweight or obese can suffer from a little bit of excess belly fat.
It’s often just enough to make them not want to wear their bikini with pride on the beach or put on that gorgeous dress or snazzy top they’ve been keeping in the wardrobe for months.
One of the reasons people believe they’re gaining belly fat is because they’re eating too many carbs, so it’s important to understand the role carbs
How To Stop Eating Too Many Carbs
Firstly, carbohydrates are definitely essential nutrients that your body and brain require as a source of energy, but they’re
Which Carbs Promote Belly Fat Gain?
To fight belly fat, you want to be sure you’re cutting back on simple carbohydrates. These include simple sugars, starches
- white rice
- white pasta
- white bread
- cakes
- crisps
- cookies
Eating too many of any of these carbs can cause a spike in insulin, which increases fat collection in your belly. The problem with simple carbohydrates which are digested and absorbed quickly is that they lead to higher rates of belly fat. This is because the arrival of too much glucose in your bloodstream causes higher insulin production to help balance out your blood sugar.
One significant study showed that test subjects with even a moderate reduction in simple carbohydrate intake showed an immediate 11% drop in deep abdominal fat, versus 0% loss for those eating a standard diet. And overall body fat loss was 4% greater for the low-carb dieters as well.
What Should Simple Carbs Be Replaced With?
You still need to eat carbs in order to have a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. But you should concentrate on getting good carbs. These are known as complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are harder to process, so they’re not absorbed into your bloodstream as quickly as simple carbs.
Complex carbohydrates include:
- vegetables
- fruits
- whole grains
- oats
- lean meats
- fish and seafood
Add these to your diet, and remove sugar, sweets and white bread, and you can have a positive impact on your belly fat.
Cut Back on Sugar and Starches
Refined sugar isn’t needed by the human body. There are plenty of naturally healthy sugars in vegetables, fruits, nuts and berries. Refined sugar leads to high insulin levels. Insulin is the major fat storage hormone in your body. When you get too much sugar and starches, you pack on the pounds, usually unhealthy fat.
When you cut back on simple carbohydrates and starches, your insulin levels lower, you automatically eat fewer calories, and you are not hungry as often.
What Daily Carb Count Leads To Weight Loss?
Cut your carb intake back to 20 to 50 g per day for quick and healthy weight loss. Eat low-carb vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers
Free Report: Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat
Simple carbs affect belly fat negatively, and complex carbohydrates help to cut down on the amount of belly fat you retain. And remember that natural fruit juices are very high in fructose, one of the biggest carbohydrate culprits. Add reasonable exercise to this sensible nutrition plan, and you can limit the effect that your carbohydrate intake has on your belly fat.
Are you frustrated because you feel like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not able to lose belly fat? Maybe you’re eating healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that it’s possible to lose belly fat even though you’re not having success right now. To learn more, download my free report,
Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat.
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