Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Are There Really Any Effective Weight Loss Supplements?

By now, you’ve probably thrown your arms in the air, begging the fitness gods to deliver your salvation, in the form of slashed pounds. After all, you’ve tried numerous “hot” weight loss supplements, but have yet to receive the promised results of losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks.

But is all hopeless? Not at all. In fact, weight loss supplements do work- at least a few proven ingredients contained in them. This, however, depends on the particular ingredient found in them, and you may be actually better off creating your own.

The harsh reality is that many big supplement manufacturers include miniscule amounts of the ingredients likely to deliver the most results, and bulk up with lots of bull manure. Ready to discover true weight loss nirvana? Here are 4 effective weight loss supplements.

4 Effective Weight Loss Supplements

1. Caffeine

The messiah of all effective weight loss supplements, it deserves an entire article in its own right. However, can this “common” ingredient, found in your run of the mill coffee brand really deliver the promised lands?

You might be skeptical since everyone and their uncle would be skinny if that were the case. True, but it depends a lot on the “when and how much” as opposed to just drinking for the sake of drinking it. Consider these fascinating bits about caffeine:

  • Increases Rate Of Actual Fat Burning. In order to lose actual fat mass, fat must be “burned” or what is referred to as the process of oxidation. Typically, oxidation occurs secondarily to glucose burning. But when caffeine is consumed, the rate at which this burning occurs is amplified. Taking a caffeine pill or black coffee on an empty stomach and then exercising yields measurable increases to the rate of fat burning.
  • Boosts Blood Flow And Delays Fatigue. By working out harder, for longer, and improving the rate at which blood flows, metabolism is accelerated, and calories are utilized more efficiently. The result is more weight loss.
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2. Green Tea Extract

Effective Weight Loss Supplements

Increases Metabolic Rate

Green tea, particularly in the form of supplemental EGCG, can easily contribute to pounds lost over the course of a month by doing absolutely nothing. Although the increase in resting metabolism isn’t significant, a little 5% increase of calories burned here and there adds up given caloric intake is kept in check.

Increased Fat Burning

Via increasing oxidative processes in the body (with increased oxygen update) the result is more fatty acids freed up to fuel the body during exercise and at rest.

Decreases Carbohydrate Uptake

One of the annoying hindrances to successful weight loss is the issue on carbohydrate intake. Many people struggle with decreasing carbohydrate meals, so by actively decreasing the amount absorbed from a meal (up to 30%) the battle becomes so much easier.

3. Protein

Eating more protein is one of the easiest, yet most effective ways to lose weight. How? Via something known as the thermic effect of foods.

The thermic effect in is effect the amount of calories used to actually burn, or process the food so it can then be used for energy. Is it a bad thing? Only if you are being rationed for calories. In theory, it is a “processing fee” for food. So, let’s say you consume 500 calories of protein-rich food, your body must then use 20-35% (which is the thermic number for protein) of those calories to breakdown the food.

It’s a easy way to “consume less” while eating more muscle friendly food that keeps you filled longer.

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4. Carnitine

Directly Improves Fat Burning

All this fancy talk about fat burning is useless if the fat fails to make it to the actual place where they are burnt- in the mitochondria of cells. The amino acid L-Carnitine acts as a shuttle, making their entry into the cell much easier and the likelihood of using them much greater.

Offsets Negative Effects Of Oxidation

Juggling the rate of oxidation with its consequences can be a thin line to walk, as oxidation is a process that speeds up breakdown of other body processes. Think of skin health, oxidation is responsible for premature aging and breakdown. L-Carnitine modulates oxidative activity, being itself a useful anti-oxidant.

20 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active

The four supplements mentioned above are likely the most effective weight loss supplements. However, you can’t just eat whatever you want and hope for the best. A conscious effort must be made to eat valuable food, which are filling and not heavy in calories and to exercise. People are often amazed at how small changes can reap huge results with their weight loss and fitness. To help you on your weight loss journey, download my free report 20 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active.