How Old Is Too Old To Start Lifting Weights?

Weight training is sometimes regarded as the type of exercise reserved only for the young and fit. If you’re middle-aged or beyond and want to get into shape, perhaps you might have asked yourself, “Am I too old to start lifting weights?”

However, exercsing with weights is important throughout your life and possibly even more so as you age. And no matter what your age, you’re never too old to start lifting weights.

Free Report: 9 Strength Training Myths For Women

You’re Never Too Old To Start Lifting Weights

For some, the idea of lifting weights can be intimidating or downright scary. As we age, our bodies tend to become stiff and joints start to creak. We also lose bone density and muscle mass. What’s more, tendons can become brittle, synovial fluid dries up and sinews grow weak. As this downward spiral begins, many older adults rest their bodies since it hurts to move around all the time.

too old to start lifting weights

It’s estimated that individuals who live a sedentary lifestyle can expect to lose up to 15% of their muscle mass between the ages 30 and 80. While some seniors may not care much about having a toned and stunning physique, reduced muscle function in old age isn’t something that should be taken lightly.

Avoid Age Related Muscle Loss

Lifting weights as you age becomes more important because it keeps your strength up and prevents Sarcopenia, or age related muscle loss. Strength training can quite literally give you the ability to keep on living. In fact, elderly individuals who lift weights report of benefits such as feeling stronger and healthier, or even having the ability to pick up their grandchildren.

In one study, seniors aged 65 and above experienced an improvement in endurance and leg strength. Most of the participants were able to walk up to 40% further without resting by the time they were finishing the 12-week weight-training program.

Other benefits of lifting weights even in old age include:
Improved Balance And Decreased Risk Of Falls
A New Zealand study showed a 40% reduction in falls among women aged 80 years and above who engaged in regular strength and balance training.

Relief From Joint Pain
One common misconception of weight training is that it stresses joints, which can lead to problems in older adults. The truth is a well-designed strength training program that involves weights actually helps to strengthen the tendons, ligaments, and muscles around the joints. This takes the stress off joints and eases pain, which in turn increases your range of motion.

More Strength To Carry Out Daily Activities
A 1995 study in Birmingham, Alabama reported of women between age 60 and 77 experiencing substantial gains in strength after spending 16 weeks of total body weight training. Subjects in the study reported of benefits such as an improvement in walking velocity and increased strength that made it easier to carry out daily tasks such as rising from a chair or lifting grocery boxes. 

Strengthens Brittle Bones
Last, but certainly not the least, weight training can also strengthen brittle bones as well as promote the survival of neurons that help prevent dementia among seniors.

Getting Started

The American College of Sports and Medicine recommends 2 days a week of weight training as a good starting point. To reap the benefits, aim for 30-minute sessions and engage in different lifts for at least 8 reps each, even if it is 2-5lbs. Rest between sets of repetitions and ensure to stay hydrated. Start off slow and work your way up gradually to avoid injuries.

If you don’t know where to start, you can always hire a fitness professional to help you create the right routine and diet to support your workouts. After several weeks, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a young appearance and good health even as aging progresses. 

The Myths About Weight Training For Women

Remember that you can never be too old to start lifting weights. This form of strength training can be safe, fun, and a welcomed exchange to life in a wheelchair. And don’t believe the weightlifting is just for men! Women can, and should, lift weights. It builds strength, helps you lose weight, improves sleep, sex, and so much more. To get the real truth, download my free report Strength Training Myths For Women.

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