We all know that we should exercise on a consistent basis to reap the health benefits, like a stronger heart, better weight management, better sleep, improved mood, more energy … and the list goes on and on.
Exercising can even increase longevity. But, over time, it can get boring and is no longer the fun it used to be. If left unchecked, you’ll start missing workouts and eventually just quit exercising altogether. So how do we keep the fun in exercising?
Here are a few of the more popular ways to make exercise fun.
Free Report: Top 5 Exercise MistakesVary Your Routine
Doing the same thing when exercising over time gets boring. Instead mix it up by having a few different routines to choose from. For example, if you typically run on a treadmill, run outside occasionally. If you lift free weights as part of your stretch training program, switch and use kettlebells instead.
Not only will varying your routine help from getting bored, but you will burn more calories. If you keep doing the same routine over and over, your body becomes more efficient at doing it and ends up burning fewer calories. If you keep it guessing, you’ll get maximum calorie burn.
Pump Up The Volume
There isn’t a better way to get you going when you don’t feel like exercising then to put on a pair of headphones or ear buds and play some spirited music. Something with a good beat to it.
Exercise With A Friend
When you can, working out with a friend does a couple of things. First, it gives you someone to talk to while going through your exercise routine, so it adds an element of socialization, but it also creates accountability. There may be times when you don’t feel like exercising, but you do so as to not let your friend down. And if the truth be known they exercise with you when they don’t feel like it too.
Join a Group Class
Exercising with a group is a great way to put fun back into exercising. Not only do you make new friends, but there is a certain energy when a group of people are all doing the same thing at the same time.
Get Some New Exercise Clothes
Sometimes all it takes to put some fun back into your exercise program is to buy some new workout clothes or shoes. If you look good with what you are wearing, you’ll feel good and will want to continue working out.
Measure Instead of Weigh
Relying on a scale to measure your progress can turn you off to exercising if it shows you’re not making progress. A better way to measure if you’re making progress or not is to measure your waist, hips, upper arms and thighs with a cloth tape measure. In many cases, you lose inches, but not pounds. Some people go by how their clothes fit.
Because muscle weighs more than fat, the number on the scale can be misleading. You can still use a scale, but only use it as one method of tracking your progress and not the sole method.
Top 5 Exercise Mistakes (Free Report)
Use these tips to either make exercise fun again or to maintain the fun you’re already having. When you exercise, knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do when it comes to burning fat and losing weight. Being healthy is about taking action to do more of the right things, and fewer of the wrong things every day.
Did you know your exercise routine may actually be hindering your weight loss efforts? There are certain mistakes that are easy to make which can cause your weight loss to slow down and even cause you to gain weight! Download my free report, Top 5 Exercise Mistakes to help you avoid these weight loss mistakes so you get the results you deserve.

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