Women tend to avoid strength training. There are many reasons why, and the vast majority of those reasons are based in myth and preconceptions about what strength training is and what it does to a female body.
You’ll burn calories and fat while you work out, after you work out, and your metabolism becomes faster, which means you’re burning more calories overall.
Strength training for women will not make you look like a bulky male weight lifter. Will your muscles get more toned? Possibly. Will you get leaner? Most likely, especially if you blend diet and exercise into your daily lifestyle. Will you feel great and look good in your clothes? Absolutely.
14 Facts About Strength Training For Women
1.Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
Stop comparing yourself to others. Right now, regardless of your experience level, there are women who are stronger and weaker than you. Comparing yourself to them does no one any good.
2. It’s A Whole Body Workout
Remember that you can never spot reduce fat. You can’t target fat in your thighs, belly or arms. Strength training burns fat all over your body, and this fat blasting benefit can last for up to 72 hours after your workout.
3. Not Everyone Is The Same
You are a unique woman. Because of this, what works for someone else may not work for you. Experiment until you find the strength training exercises or programs that work for you.
4. It’s Easy To Start
Get started today. Don’t use the excuse that you don’t have any weight training physical fitness equipment for not getting started. You can strength train using bodyweight exercises anywhere and at any time.
5. Set Realistic Goals
Don’t focus on a particular weight loss goal or other physical metrics that you can measure. Simply continue to lift heavier weights, and your fat loss, weight loss, 6 pack abs goals will be achieved.
6. Help Prevent Osteoporosis
Strength training improves bone density and muscle mass. Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis and other bone health conditions, and strength training can offset that risk.
7. Don’t Avoid Heavy Weights
Lift heavy weights with fewer repetitions. Simply lifting 3 pound or 5 pound weights over and over doesn’t stress your muscles enough to burn fat, calories and give you that toned look you are striving for.
8. You Won’t Get Bulky
The myth of getting “bulky” is ridiculous. Bulk comes from fat, not lean, strong, sexy, toned muscle mass, which is the reward of a smart strength training regimen.
9. Form Is Important
10 repetitions of any strength training movement practiced perfectly delivers more results than 20 sloppy reps.
10. Start Slowly
If you are just beginning a strength training program or getting back to one after years of absence, start slowly. Practice just a few exercises until you get back into the habit of lifting weights or strength training.
11. Don’t Leave Out Squats
The squat is one of the most “perfect” all-over strength training movements. It works your legs, core and upper body.
12. Drink Lots of Water
Even sedentary individuals that don’t strength train should be consuming 1 gallon of water each and every day (3.79 liters).
13. Be Consistent
Be consistent – don’t give up. You should strength train at least 3 days a week, alternating days. If you are inconsistent in your efforts, your results will be inconsistent also.
14. Get Excited!
Get excited about the new you that you are creating! Envisioning the body you are going to create gives you the motivation to continue working out when you don’t feel like it.
The Myths About Strength Training For Women
Women can, and should, lift weights. It builds strength, helps you lose weight, improves sleep, sex, and so much more. Whether you use free weights, weight machines or resistance bands, the point is to mix strength training into your workout schedule to get the body you desire or the body back that you once had. Conflicting information is everywhere about strength training for women! To get the real truth, download my free report Strength Training Myths For Women.

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