Are You Drinking Calories Every Day?
If you’re a serious dieter, you probably have an estimate of the number of calories in most foods you consume. Perhaps you even go as far as avoiding high calorie foods and spending your days carefully counting how many calories you eat.
But are you drinking calories instead? This is probably the one area which most health conscious people overlook. Chances are you don’t know how many calories that you’re drinking each day.
While there’s no harm in having a cup of coffee in the morning or unwinding at the end of the day with a glass of wine, the sum of the beverages you drink daily can add onto your calorie allowance and mess up your weight loss efforts.
To give you an idea of just how much drinks can jeopardize all the hard work you put into dieting and exercising, here’s a look at the rough amount of calories present in our favorite drinks.
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Are You Drinking Calories?
We all love the pick-me-up effect of coffee. It gets us going in the mornings and keeps us awake and alert during those long nights when we stay up studying or clearing a pile up of work. Luckily, we don’t have to completely cut out on this all-time favorite that much. In fact, a bit of coffee is good for your health due to the presence of antioxidants in the drink.
The problem however comes in when we start adding sugar, cream milk, and other flavoring in our coffee. Depending on what you add, a cup of coffee can move from having very few calories to being a calorie-ridden drink. For example, an 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee has only 2 calories. Add 2 tablespoons of cream and the calorie count shoots up all the way to 106. Alternatively, adding 2tbsp of ‘half & half’ will drive the calorie count to about 42 while 2tbsp of plain powdered non-dairy creamer can see calories add up to around 68.
Store bought coffee brands usually have the most calories as they are loaded with additives and sold in large servings. A few examples include a 16-ounce cup of:
- McDonald’s Mocha which has 330 calories
- Starbucks café Mocha (whip) which features 360 calories, and
- Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha (whip) with an unbelievable 560 calories
As you can see, drinking the average 3 cups of coffee that most Americans indulge in daily can result in you consuming hundreds if not more of extra calories without even knowing it.
Are you one of those dieters who find it easier to kick out foods such as fries and chocolate from the diet than to forgo nights out of drinking with friends? If so, you are in for a rude awakening. The rough estimate of drinking calories in alcohol is as follows:
- 120 to 126 calories for every glass of wine
- Between 103 and 250 calories per pint of beer – depending on the nature of the beer (regular, light, hard cider, etc.)
- 97 calories and above in a glass of common liquors (vodka, rum, whiskey, tequila, gin
- From 97 to 250 calories for cocktails glasses
- Up to 700 calories in a Pina Colada
Soft Drinks
Despite their signature sweet taste that makes them a popular choice for many non-alcohol consumers, soft drinks are nothing but calorie traps. This is mainly because of the high sugar content they pack. This sugar only works to add onto already present calories making them very high in calories.
For example, a bottle of Coca-Cola contains around 240 calories as well as 65g of sugar. A 250ml can of Red Bull contains up to 114 calories plus 27.5g of sugar.
Free Report: Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat
Are you frustrated because you feel like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not able to lose belly fat? Maybe you’re eating and drinking healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that it’s possible to lose belly fat even though you’re not having success right now. To learn more, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat.

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