12 Most Popular Ways To Shed Body Fat

How To Effectively Shed Body Fat

One of the main components of being healthy is to shed body fat and keep it off. shed body fatThe meaning of health and wellness is different for each one of us. You may want to shed your fat for various reasons such as athletic performance, aesthetic purposes, or some other purpose entirely.

However, the fact remains is that whatever your reasons and goals are, when you shed body fat you will become healthier, fitter and probably more content within yourself. The important thing to remember that getting your body in shape is a life-long process.  So start slowly, be patient, and take baby steps. Give your body and mind to adapt to the changes and they will soon become daily habits.

Here are 12 of the best fat burning tips that you can start using today to maintain a healthy weight.

12 Tips To Shed Body Fat

1. Change Your Lifestyle

Make changes that you can live with forever. Be lenient with calories and food choices. Typically, an ideal body fat range for women is anywhere between 25 – 28% and 12 – 15% for men. You should also bear in mind that eating right and exercising go hand-in-hand. Remember the saying, “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet”? Find an exercise program that challenges you and offers you variety while at the same time makes you have fun.

2. Drink More Water 

Your body needs to be constantly hydrated to keep it running smoothly. For example, the transport of fat and burning of fat are two examples of cellular activities that require the presence of a sufficient amount of water to be carried out in a timely and healthy manner. Water also helps boost your metabolism as well as helps your body flush toxins. Drinking water periodically throughout the day makes you fell full so you eat less, especially if you drink a glass roughly 30 minutes before a meal. To ensure you’re getting enough water, drink at least 1 ounce/2 lb. of body weight each day. For example,  hat’s 100 ounces for a 200 lb. person (3 litres for a 90kg person).

3. Eat Less Calories Than You Burn

First, find out how many calories you burn daily by calculating your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Use this formula: RMR = bodyweight (in lbs.) x 13. Second, calculate how many calories you burn when you exercise. Finally, add the two together, and keep your daily consumption of calories below that number.

4. Reduce Starchy Carbs

Too much starch in your diet gives your body more glycogen than it needs so it stores the extra amounts as fat. Don’t eliminate starchy carbs, as potatoes, rice, pasta, and breads, completely but rather cut back to 3 – 5 servings per day. One serving  is about one cup of pasta or rice, or one sliced potato.

5. Eat Breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. After going all night without food, your body needs nutrients to rebuild itself. Yet if you quickly eat anything just as you’re heading for the door, or eat the wrong types of foods, it will have a negative impact on everything you do during the day. For breakfast, make sure you incorporate protein (30 – 40 grams), fruit, and complex carbohydrate like oatmeal and whole wheat bread.

6. Limit Your Intake of Sugars

After working out, you may need simple carbs (sugars) to replenish your muscle and liver glycogen stores, especially after weight training. But eating excess amounts of sugars at odd times during the day will quickly be stored as fat. Eat fruits instead and drink water instead of soft drinks and processed  juices.

7. Eat 5 – 6 Meals Per Day

This may take some people by surprise. But it’s a known fact that if you want to shed body fat you should eat more! Spacing out your daily calorie consumption across 5 or 6 meals during the day will make your body burn more calories because you’re increasing the production of heat in the body with each meal (a process called thermogenesis). In addition, your metabolism works overtime which helps you burn calories as well and most importantly, you don’t feel hungry as much as if you only ate 3 meals a day so you end up eating less throughout the day. Make sure to eat your biggest meal after working out which is when your body needs carbs and starches the most. It is also when your insulin sensitivity and metabolism are at their highest, which means you’ll be minimizing any unwanted fat gains.

8. Cut Down On The Junk Foods

Foods like French fries, sweets, and potato chips have no nutritional benefits. They are only loaded with calories and wreak havoc on your digestive system. The best diet to shed fat is to eat more vegetables. Veggies are rich in nutrients and low in calories. They leave you feeling fuller on fewer calories. Include about 5 servings a day of vegetables in your diet, cooked or raw.

9. Eat the Right Amount of Protein

Some people think that by boosting their protein intake, they will burn fat and increase muscle mass quicker. Unfortunately, it’s not the case. Proteins have a substantial amount of calories, which if taken in excess will be stored as fat. However, eating the right amount of protein for your body type should get you the results you’re looking. Proteins provide an adequate amount of amino acids for maintaining muscle mass while keeping your calories under control. For optimum results, you should eat 1 – 1.5 grams of protein per 1 pound of bodyweight each day.

10. Don’t Forget To Eat Healthy Fats

Even though reducing calories to shed body fat is the right way to go, most people cut out fats altogether out of their diets completely. But our bodies require an adequate amount of healthy fats to function. Another reason to eat healthy fats like omega-3 is that they take a longer time to be digested which helps reduce cravings, leaving you feeling fuller. They also help control blood sugar levels. Examples of healthy fats include olives, nuts and seeds, avocados, fatty fish, oils such as olive, flaxseed, and canola. Remember that about 30% of your daily calories should come from fat.

11. Get Enough Sleep

Getting an adequate amount of quality sleep helps balance your hormones, mainly those responsible for regulating your metabolism. In addition, studies have shown that lack of sleep boosts your cravings for high-calorie foods.

12. Exercise

Exercise is one of the most successful ways to shed the fat on your body. One of the reasons why exercise is so important is that it boosts your metabolism and also encourages calorie deficiency where you expend more energy than what you are consuming. As a result, your body is forced to burn fat for energy. To shed body fat effectively integrate strength training into your workouts. The more muscle you have, the more energy you burn even when doing the most mundane of activities. Studies show that adding one pound of muscle can burn up to 40 more calories per day.

Shed Body Fat All Day, Every Day 

When you approach your weight loss efforts as a full lifestyle change, your results will be long-term and permanent rather than short-term and temporary. Lesley Lutes, PhD, who is an assistant professor in the psychology department at East Carolina University states…
“When you focus on just a couple of small changes at a time, you begin to ingrain some healthy habits that last for a lifetime, rather than trying an all-or-nothing approach that more often than not fails because it’s too hard to follow.

To learn more on shedding body fat the 4 shocking facts on this page reveal exactly why most people don’t get the fat loss results they want. You’ll see how you can fix your broken metabolism to shed body fat 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

247 Fat Loss

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