Why Should We Eat Less Sugar And Salt?

If you’re struggling to lose weight, or are always feeling tired, bloated and not quite right, theneat less sugar and salt you need to eat less sugar and salt. Pay more attention to these small white grains that you are adding to your foods. They could be playing havoc with your health!

Who doesn’t enjoy a sweet treat now and again? We all do and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is that we have become accustomed to having something sweet with almost every meal. This can lead to numerous health related issues that you may not be aware of.

One big issue with consuming too much salt is that it leads to water retention. This causes weight gain, breathing issues and can worsen inflammation that you already have.

Let’s take a look at how you can eat less sugar and salt in your diet.

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Eat Less Sugar

While humans have eaten sugar for centuries, it was always in the form of natural sugar in fruits such as berries. Today the sugar we eat is refined sugar, and this is what can cause havoc with your body.

Did you know that consuming refined sugars can produce health problems such as arthritis, diabetes, headaches, osteoporosis, depression, and it prevents your immune system from functioning correctly? Your body stores refined sugar as fat and if you eat too much you will start to pile on the pounds.

Consuming too much sugar can cause your body to not want to lose weight, no matter how hard you try. If this sounds like you start watching how much sugar you are eating on a daily basis.

How To Satisfy Your Sweet Cravings

So how do you still satisfy your sweet cravings without damaging your health? Start off by replacing your sweet treats with natural sweets such as fruits. This natural sugar will provide your body with energy as well as essential nutrients. This leads to improved health and weight loss.

The worst types of products to include in your diet today are sodas, putting sugar in your tea and coffee and eating packaged foods. Read the labels and you might be surprised by how much sugar is in your favorite sauces and condiments.

Even artificial sweeteners are not good for you and have been shown to interfere with your body and cause additional problems. Try to reduce or eliminate the amount of sugar in your morning beverage and swap out sodas for plain water with fresh lemon juice in it.

Eat Less Salt

Salt is another one of those ingredients that seems to be in all of our foods, especially pre-packaged ones. While a small amount of salt is good for you, almost everyone over uses that salt shaker! Again read food labels and see how much salt has been added to these foods.

One big issue with consuming too much salt is that it leads to water retention. This causes weight gain, breathing issues and can worsen inflammation that you already have. If you always feel bloated and thirsty you may be consuming way too much salt in your diet.

The best way to deal with salt is to switch to a good quality sea salt. Himalayan salt is a great alternative as it includes additional minerals. This type of salt is pink and looks pretty on your table.

Do not totally eliminate salt from your diet, as your body does require salt to function correctly. Just avoid adding extra salt to your foods, unless they really need them, and then use sea salt.

9 Things To Help You Live Longer

You probably already know that the way you choose to live your life has some effect on how long you’ll live. But, believe it or not, we do actually have some degree of control over our life expectancy! If you want to know exactly where you should be focusing your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle check out my free report Top 9 Things You Can Do For Your Health To Help You Live Longer. The choices you make about your lifestyle don’t mean that you and your loved ones have to live shorter lives.

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