How To Shape Your Butt

Having a shapely well-defined butt today is all the rage. However, most of the information out there today focuses on how to shape your butt via exercise – in particular weighted squats, lunges and weight lifting. And that’s a big part of getting a tight nicely-shaped butt that turns heads.
But like anything else when it comes to toning muscle, diet and exercise are the dynamic duo. The exercise burns calories and builds, tones muscle, while the diet controls the amount and type of calories and macro-nutrients consumed. One can’t work without the other. Here are 4 diet tips that will help you shape your butt.
Butt Anatomy 101
The butt is composed of three main muscles, but the one that defines it the most is called the gluteus maximus or glutes for short. Around the outside of the glutes is tissue and fat. You can have the most well-defined butt muscles in the world, but if you have a lot of fat covering it, nobody will see it. So shaping your butt is a two-step process, get rid of the fat and then tone the muscle beneath it.
Free Report: How To Tone Your Butt
Where do you carry your weight?
Depending on where you carry your weight will have a great deal to do with what kind of diet will work best for you. Generally the three problem areas are the butt, stomach and thighs.
Spot Reduction Myth
As you know, it’s impossible to spot reduce where you lose weight from a specific area. The weight you lose from burning calories will come off of all areas, but for most people you’ll lose more or less from certain areas. The areas having the most fat are usually the most affected, so if you have a fatty butt, you should see the most loss there.
4 Diet Tips To Help Shape Your Butt
Diet tip #1 – If you easily gain weight in these areas, then you need to eat six or seven small meals a day of a low carb/high protein diet. Focus on the healthy grains, lots of vegetables and naturally low-sugar fruits, lean turkey, chicken and pork, tofu, seafood and fish.
This diet will have a fairly low-calorie count, but a good amount of fiber to keep you full. The protein will help build muscle. When coupled with a high calorie-burning exercise like cardio, it should reduce the amount of fat in your butt over time.
Diet tip #2 – The other side of the coin is having a hard time putting on weight. In this case, you’ll want to eat a high calorie/high protein diet. Your diet will focus on healthy fats like olive oil and avocados, cheese, whole grain pasta, lean cuts of steak in addition to what is already on your low carb/high protein diet.
Your exercise regimen will focus almost entirely on strength training/weight lifting and very little cardio because you don’t want to burn off calories.
Diet tip #3 – The same is true if you are trying to put on weight in a certain area – like your butt. It usually comes on all over, but what you eat can make a difference in the weight distribution in some people.
For example, simple carbohydrates and processed food tend to collect in the stomach/midsection area whereas full fat dairy and cream-based complex carbohydrate foods tend to collect in the butt. This diet could work for you if you are trying to build up your butt.
Diet tip #4 – Finally give your diet and exercise program time to work. While you may start to see some change in as little as three weeks to a month, it can take up to six months to shape your butt the way you want. It’s not easy, but with consistency in both diet and exercise it is attainable.
Free Report: How To Shape Your Butt With Strength Training
The reasons for getting a toned butt extend beyond just looking good and raising your self-esteem. There are health benefits to go along with it too. Proper diet and an appropriate exercise training regimen are the two key elements to help you shape your butt. To learn more, download my free report to help you get that toned, sexy rear end you want.
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