How To Do Interval Training On A Bike (Indoors and Out)

Effective Interval Training On A Bike

Interval Training On A Bike
Interval training is a great way to improve your health and fitness.

Interval training is when you alternate periods of exercise and periods of rest during a workout. It’s an excellent way to improve your fitness level and burn body fat. It’s also a great way to add variety to your workout routine.

Interval training can be done using bodyweight exercises, weighted exercises, or using a combination of the two. It’s also a great way to train for running, sports, or for training on a bike.

When doing interval training on a bike, you can use a stationary bike at home or in the gym. You can also use your bike for intervals outdoors on your favorite trail or road course.

 Interval Training On A Stationary Bike 

1. Alternating between riding the stationary bike and rest

If you’re just a beginner, you may need to rest completely after your riding period rather than just slowing down. If this is the case, toward the end of your exercise period, slow down gradually rather than coming to a sudden stop.

2. Manually changing the speed

Changing your speed from fast to slow is an excellent way to create your intervals on a stationary bike. You can do these intervals for a specific time, or you can create the intervals based on how you feel and when your body needs a break.

Free Report: 6 of the Best Exercises for Fat Loss
3. Manually changing the resistance

You can manually change the resistance on many stationary bikes. You can randomly change the resistance for each interval, you can time your intervals, or you can switch from difficult to easy resistance when your body needs a break.

4. Using the programs available on the stationary bike.

Most stationary bikes have programs available for you to choose from. These programs are intervals using resistance in order to simulate hills. This is an easy way to get in an interval workout on a stationary bike.

5. Manually changing your speed and resistance randomly

If you just want to have a little variety, you can randomly change your interval length along with changing your speed and resistance randomly. You can also use music, commercial breaks, or something random like someone walking by you to signal it’s time for a new interval. There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun.

 Interval Training On A Bike Outdoors

1. Alternating between riding and resting

The most basic way to do interval training on a bike is to alternate between periods of riding and periods of resting. You can walk beside your bike and push it for your rest periods. You can time the length of your intervals or you can go with how your body feels.

2. Alternating between riding fast and riding slowly

If you don’t need to stop and walk your bike to feel rested, you can alternate between riding fast and riding slowly. You can time your intervals or listen to what your body needs.

3. Randomly changing your speed and length of your intervals

If you want to have a unique workout, you can randomly change your speed and length of your intervals. You can also use music to dictate changes in your intervals. Just have fun and enjoy your ride.

4. Using terrain to dictate changes in your intervals

Sometimes you may have a fun and hilly course and you can use the varied terrain to dictate how you do your intervals. Don’t be afraid to play around with how you create your intervals, especially if the terrain is varied. The terrain itself can create resistance style intervals.

Free Report: 6 Best Exercises for Interval Training

Doing interval training on a bike is a great way to improve your health and fitness. It’s also an excellent way to become a better cyclist. If you’re tired of your normal workouts, interval training can help you get excited about exercise again. It’s perfect for beginners and experienced riders and intervals can even be done during group rides.

Don’t be afraid to try new ways of training, and don’t be so serious with your training that you forget to have fun. To learn more about the best exercises to use for interval training, download my free report 6 of The Best Types of Exercise for Fat Loss.

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