Lifestyle choices, poor diet and a lack of physical activity all influence your energy levels. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to elevate your energy levels. Small changes in your diet, lifestyle and physical activity level can add up to big boosts in energy
Add plenty of the following energy boosting foods to your diet and you’ll not only benefit from more energy, but you also limit the risk that energy-robbing conditions like diabetes, obesity, stress and anxiety will impact your life.
Free Report: 6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels13 Energy Boosting Foods To Get You Through Your Day
Natural Whole Grains
Whole grains, wheat and oatmeal take a long time to digest. This levels out your energy throughout the day, since complex carbohydrates provide you with positive energy. Steer clear of processed grains, which are simple carbohydrates, because they are broken down quickly and often stored as fat before your body has a chance to use them for energy.
Walnuts, almonds and other nuts deliver good fats that your body needs. Nuts are also full of carbohydrates, fiber and protein, a powerful trio of natural energy-boosters. Make sure you opt for nuts that have not been salted, coated or processed.
A staple in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, hummus is basically mashed chickpeas or garbanzo beans. The ingredients in hummus contribute protein and fiber that help stabilize your blood sugar, satisfy your hunger signal, and crank up energy reserves.
Fruits supply you with natural sugar that is so much healthier than refined sugar. The enzymes, nutrients and vitamins that accompany the fiber in fruit work with carbohydrates to naturally crank up your energy level.
Fish and Shellfish
Opt for wild-caught fish and shellfish whenever you can. Extremely high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, essential vitamins, minerals and protein are found in fish like salmon. Enjoy 4 to 6 ounces of seafood at least 3 times a week to fight exhaustion and fatigue.
Bananas are full of B vitamins, and all of the B vitamins contribute natural energy to the human body. The potassium and fiber in bananas promotes sustained energy levels, muscle function, and a healthy digestive process that keeps you from becoming overweight or obese. As a pre and post-workout snack, bananas are well-known in the fitness community.
The perfect companion to banana slices for breakfast, oatmeal is a nutritionist’s favorite recommendation for overall health and wellness. Here we find plenty of healthy fiber once again, regulating a digestive process and making you feel full longer throughout the day. This stabilizes blood sugar levels, and you may find eating more oatmeal means you don’t require that morning cuppa Joe anymore.
Once again we see the energy-cranking trio of fiber, protein and carbohydrates present in beans. They are extremely versatile, can be eaten alone, added to salads or soups, mashed into pastes and spreads, and are a great source of B vitamins.
Dark Leafy Vegetables

The darker the color in leafy veggies like spinach, chard and kale, the higher the number of nutrients. Dark leafy greens and vegetables of other dark colors are also very high in fiber, which aid in a healthy digestive process.
Calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants are found in abundance in leafy vegetables, and the darker the hue, the more energy-boosting qualities.
Natural Dark Chocolate
This doesn’t mean that candy bar you love that has dark chocolate is good for you. Natural, unprocessed, dark chocolate contains an antioxidant called Flavanol and it helps keep your heart working properly. The healthier your heart, the more oxygenated blood is pumped through your body, and the higher your energy levels.
Another food high in B vitamins which naturally support high levels of energy, asparagus is fiber-rich as well. It contains several nutrients and vitamins, and can boost your health in a number of ways while simultaneously turning up your energy.
Free Report: 6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy LevelsCardamom
This spice has been used in Asian cultures for centuries to increase energy and boost blood flow. It expands the small blood vessels to help you beat fatigue and exhaustion, and can be sprinkled on any number of foods.
You may be wondering how in the world water can give you energy. It does this by flushing your body of dangerous toxins, poisons and other chemicals that can do harm to your organs. If you drink 8 to 16 ounces of water before you do anything else to start your day, you begin to detox your body immediately, and you boost a healthier metabolism when you drink water throughout the day.
6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels
The best energy boosting foods are relatively cheap (for the most part) and should be the main portion of your daily nutritional intake. Things like fruits, veggies and anything essentially straight from the earth are going to be your best bet as they contain the most natural and best energy sources.
Remember that a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is better for you than a diet that tries to eliminate fats or carbs or calories and promises a quick solution. Lifestyle choices, poor diet and a lack of physical activity all influence your energy levels. This free report, 6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels reveals simple to follow routines that will keep you going day-in and day-out.

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