We all suffer from common health issues at some point, and depending on how old we are and the severity of the problem, many of us don’t do anything to prevent it happening again.
Here are 9 of the most common health issues and what you can do to take care of them.
1. Toothache
This is possibly one of the worst pains you can get. If you get a recurring toothache, see your dentist or speak to your doctor as soon as possible – you only get one set of teeth! To temporarily reduce the pain of a toothache, apply a cold pack or bag of frozen vegetables to the side of your face and take anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen.
2. Backache
You might put it down to working a long week in the office or moving house, but backache can quickly get worse and leave you almost crippled. Go for regular massages to help your circulation, invest in a good mattress and work to improve your posture.
Free Report: 9 Healthy Things You Can Do To Help You Live Longer3. Sore Throat
A sore throat is often an early sign of developing a cold or flu, so if you start to feel it coming on, get some Vitamin C in order to give your immune system a boost. A sore throat often comes during colder weather, so wrap up warm to look after your body.
4. Headaches
Many of us work through headaches and see it as a common problem that doesn’t require much attention, but it can make everyday tasks very difficult. If you regularly get headaches, you might need glasses or a visit to the doctor to rectify an underlying issue.
5. Everyday Stress
Stress shouldn’t be a part of our lives, although it often seems unavoidable. Our bodies can deal with a certain amount of stress, but too much of it can promote the release of cortisol, leading to weight gain, or make you depressed, which can lead to further health issues, both physical and mental.
6. Heartburn
Usually, it’s something you’ve ate that brings on heartburn, so try to source the problem and avoid eating that particular food. However, you can also buy over-the-counter remedies if you need a quick fix. If you get heartburn after every meal, see your doctor early.
7. Hay Fever
It’s not a nice feeling to dread the warmer weather because you suffer from hay fever. There is plenty of medication available for this, but you can also buy local honey which can ease hay fever for the season.
8. Constipation
This shouldn’t be a lifelong problem for people, but it often is. Adding more fiber to your diet can help you to get over constipation, which will lead to less bloating and more energy.
9. Diarrhoea
This is usually caused by too many sugary foods or sweeteners which contain laxatives. If you can’t think why you keep suffering from diarrhoea, you need to visit your doctor so they can find out what the problem is. Dry oats and grated apple can often help with relieving diarrhoea, and plenty of water will help you rehydrate.
Free Report: 9 Things To Help You Live Longer
You probably already know that the way you choose to live your life has some effect on how long you’ll live. But, believe it or not, we do actually have some degree of control over our life expectancy! If you want to know exactly where you should be focusing your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle check out my free report Top 9 Things You Can Do For Your Health To Help You Live Longer. The choices you make about your lifestyle don’t mean that you and your loved ones have to live shorter lives.

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