Many people who are trying to lose weight often turn to the diet sodas to replace the regular soda they are used to drinking. This may seem like a healthier choice compared to the sugared sodas that you had been drinking, but there are numerous pitfalls to diet soda that many people are unaware of.
While diet sodas seem like a great idea because they contain no calories and no sugar, they also contain no nutritional value and are likely going to be the reason you ultimately end up gaining weight instead of losing it. Here are 4 main reasons why you can gain weight by drinking diet soda.
4 Reasons Why You Can Gain Weight By Drinking Diet Soda
There are a number of different ways that consuming diet soda leads to weight gain.
1. You Think It’s Healthy
First, drinking diet soda leads you to believe that you’re making a healthy choice. Since you’re choosing a zero calorie drink, you’re more likely to feel like there is nothing wrong with choosing to eat an entire bag of chips or a carbohydrate heavy muffin since you’re saving calories on your drink.
2. You’ll Want To Eat More
Second, when our bodies receive something sweet it leads to our stomach muscles relaxing and waiting for something high in calories. Since diet soda contains no calories, our bodies are left disappointed and searching for calories.
Free Report: Why You Can't Shift Your Belly Fat3. Increases Sweet Cravings
Next, it trains you to crave more sweets. When you consume sweet beverages, and diet sodas are often anywhere from 400 times to 8000 times sweeter than regular soda, it often leads to a high preference for sweet foods in general.
4. It Makes Your Body Store Fat
A fourth way diet soda leads to weight gain is that it causes you to store fat. A study done by the University of Texas discovered that individuals who regularly drank 2 or more diet sodas per day had much larger waist sizes than those who did not drink any at all. In fact, their waists were six times bigger.
This is because the super sweet artificial sweetener tricks your metabolism into thinking there is sugar on the way, which leads to a spike in insulin levels and causes the body to shift from a fat burning state to a fat storing state.
Plus, there are other reasons that diet soda may not be the answer you are looking for.
Artificial Sweeteners Cause Headaches
Although aspartame is still being studied, many people have linked their migraines to the consumption of diet sodas. The influence of aspartame is not yet fully known, although there are several experts who are currently recommending that people avoid consuming aspartame.
Free Report: Why You Can't Shift Your Belly FatIt Puts You At A Higher Risk Of Metabolic Syndrome
According to the Framingham Heart Study from the Harvard School of Public Health, diet soda drinkers are 36% more likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome. A metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that occur at the same time and increase your risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. Conditions included in this syndrome are diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol along with excess body fat around the waist.
Lacks Nutrition
Diet soda causes you to miss out on nutrition that is essential for your body. This is because you are making the choice to consume a beverage with no nutritional value instead of drinking something that has healthy components like tea or smoothies or even water.
Giving up sugar filled sodas is a great step towards being healthier and losing weight unless you are replacing them with their diet counterparts. Instead of replacing your soda with diet alternatives, instead, choose to drink more water. If water seems to bland to you after being in the habit of drinking sugary drinks, you can spruce up your water with lemon or other fruits to make it more palatable.
Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat
When trying to lose weight, many people say that it’s belly fat they want to lose the most. But the belly is normally the last place most people lose fat. Are you frustrated because you feel like you’ve been doing everything right, but you’re still not able to shift your belly fat? Maybe you’re eating healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller.
To learn more, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat and see how you can start getting the results you want.