There are two words that sum up how you can be more fit and healthy: healthy lifestyle. When you live a healthy life and everything you do centers around that concept, you’ll be fitter, less prone to illness, more alert, trimmer and more energetic. What’s not to like!
All of these lifestyle tweaks are easy to implement. Once they’re established habits, and you start to feel fitter and see weight loss results, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t started doing them sooner.
5 Simple Ways To Be More Fit And Healthy
1. Eat breakfast

Listen to your mother when she tells you breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because she’s right. After fasting all night, get your body going by having a good healthy and nutritious breakfast.
Make sure it includes lean protein, healthy fat and good complex carbohydrates. It gives your metabolism a kick in the butt that can last for hours, making sure that you’re burning the maximum number of calories possible each day.
Free Download: 20 Simple Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active
2. Keep Moving
If you’re sitting still, you’re burning fewer calories than if you were up and moving. To be more fit and healthy, think about how you can move more. For example, park at the far end of the parking lot, or get off a stop or two before the closest stop to work, and then walk in the rest of the way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Ride a stationary bike, elliptical trainer or treadmill at night while watching TV, instead of just sitting on the couch. In doing so, you’ll burn many more calories than people who don’t do these things.
3. Start Your Day With Exercise
Exercising first thing in the morning not only gets your body going, but also your mind. People who exercise early in the day tend to have a more positive outlook on life, which transcends to the choices they make, like choosing what they eat and how they burn calories throughout the day.
4. Cook And Eat At Home
As strange as it may sound, you’ll be more fit and healthy if you eat only when your body tells you it’s hungry. And when you do eat, do it at home (for breakfast and dinner) and have a light healthy lunch brought from home. If you do have to eat out, make smart choices as far as portions and type of food. In others words, lean meats and lots of fresh vegetables.
Along with making smart eating choices, drink more water. Not only does it hydrate you better than any other drink, but water contains no calories, which in many other drinks comes from added sugar.
5. Don’t Obsess Over Your Body
If you’re a scale watcher, you can learn a lot from fit and healthy people. They don’t even have to look at a scale, because they know their healthy lifestyle and habits will keep them around the same weight. They typically consume and burn off around the same number of calories each day, thus keeping them at the same weight (give or take a few pounds). Most healthy and fit people monitor their fitness level by how tight or loose their clothes feel.
Free Report: How To Make Your Lifestyle More Active
Doing these 5 things above on a regular routine will make your more fit and healthy. If you’re trying to lose weight, ensure you burn around 500 calories more per day than you eat. Once at goal, then add in 500 more calories to maintain your current weight.
To help leverage new habits into a lifetime of good health and better fitness download my free report 20 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active. Once you choose a healthy lifestyle, you’ll never have to worry about dieting again.
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