What Does Fat From Food Do To You?

Does Fat From Food Fuel Your Exercise?

Over  recent  years, fat from food has gotten a bad rap. When mentioned, most people react like fat is a bad thing. And it can be. But it’s also one of the critical macronutrients of the three that the body needs to perform at optimal levels. These are  protein,  carbohydrates,  and fat.

The issue that comes into play with fat from food is the type of fat and amount.

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The 3 Types Of Fat From Food

1.  Saturated Fats

fat from food
Not all fats are as bad as you think.

Saturated fat generally comes from animal sources and is a solid at room temperature; lard is one such example. Meat, eggs and dairy products all contain varying amounts of saturated fat. And of course like anything else, too much of it is not good and can lead to high cholesterol and heart disease.

But when kept to no more than 10% of your total daily dietary fat intake, it will help with metabolizing the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Without enough of it, these go through your digestive system and your body gets no value from them even though you may be consuming the daily minimum requirement of each one.

2. Unsaturated Fats

Unsaturated fat is the kind found in many plant sources and usually remains in a liquid state when at room temperature. Unlike saturated fat, unsaturated has several health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease ; the exact opposites of saturated fat.

Olive oil, avocados, almonds, flaxseed and fatty fish like tuna, halibut and salmon, are all great sources of poly and mono-unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat should make up no more than 20% of your daily dietary intake.

3. Trans Fats

The third type of fat from food is trans fat. While it does occur naturally in limited quantities, most of it comes from manufacturing processes. It’s created when unsaturated fat is made into a solid usually through a process called hydrogenation.

Companies generally add it to their products to extend the shelf life. But because the body does not recognize it in its new form as neither saturated or unsaturated, the only thing it knows to do is store it as body fat. Because it is foreign to the body, it should be avoided when possible.

Fat From Food For Exercise

Except for trans fat, the other two fats aren’t the culprits they have been made out to be when consumed in the right proportions.

While carbohydrates and protein each contain 4 calories per gram, fat has over twice as much at 9 calories per gram, making it a great source of energy gram for gram due to its density of calories. As you know carbohydrates are used first for energy, but once it is depleted, fat is the next source making it beneficial for longer low-to-moderate intensity type endurance sports, like marathons or triathlons.

15 Foods To Eat Before & After Your Workouts

Fat from food plays an important role not only as a source of energy for your body, but also for your health and should be factored in as part of your daily requirement. Your body needs a certain kind of nutrition in each stage of an exercise workout.  Download this free report to discover 15 Foods To Eat Before & After Your Workout and why those types of foods are best at both ends of an exercise session.


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