Why Restrictive Diets Don’t Work

Why Restrictive Diets Don't Work

There are tons of diet and eating plans out there today that tell you can’t consume whole food groups or types of foods. No carbs, no oil, no sugar. These are referred to as restrictive diets because they restrict your intake of broad categories of food.

While some choose restrictive diets because of medical conditions, an ethical belief, or an intolerance, those who opt for this way of eating to lose weight are setting themselves up for failure and disappointment. Here’s why.

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3 Reasons Restrictive Diets Don’t Work

To lose weight and keep it off, you must change the habits that caused you to lose weight, to begin with. So, if you temporarily stop eating something to get to your goal weight, but then resume eating in your old ways, you will quickly regain the weight.

This is a common situation and one that affects about two-thirds of dieters. Why does this happen?

Restrictions Could Deny Your Body Important Nutrients

Your body needs energy from the protein, fats, and carbohydrates in your food, and it also requires vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that come from your diet. When you cut out whole food groups or severely limit your intake of one or more, you’re not getting all you need to remain healthy.

When you don’t have enough carbohydrates, for example, you may suffer from fatigue, trouble concentrating, and memory issues. When you don’t eat enough protein, your muscles can start to break down, and you may feel sluggish or weak. When you eliminate all the fat, protein, or carbs from your diet, your cells and tissues suffer and soon your health will, as well.

Restrictive Diets Leads to Overeating and Guilt

When you limit your ability to enjoy certain foods, it only serves to make them more desirable to you. People on restrictive diets are much more likely to overeat, binge, or regain weight once it is lost. Food is and should be a pleasurable experience for humans,. We when you consistently deny yourself, your brain starts to fight back, which can lead you to rebellion and a loss of willpower when it comes to indulging in foods you have denied yourself.

Being on a restrictive diet is hard, and there will be times when you mess up, fall off the wagon, or otherwise give in to temptation. When this happens, you may feel guilty for not being “strong enough” to stick with it.

Food should not make you feel guilty. And this type of behavior isn’t encouraging you to develop long-lasting, healthy habits when it comes to food and eating. Food is neither good nor bad. In moderation, you can enjoy treats and special foods now and then and still enjoy your daily life free of guilt or shame.

Restrictions Make it Hard for You to Feel Comfortable in Social Situations

When you can’t enjoy many different foods or your diet is severely restricted, it cuts down on your ability to enjoy parties, social gatherings, or even a simple office potluck. You may start to isolate yourself from others because you don’t want to deal with the food issues, which can also cause emotional problems.

This isn’t sustainable behavior, so you’ll eventually give in. Instead, you should learn how to make the healthiest choices possible in the moment and focus on developing your self-discipline to allow you to limit your intake of unhealthy options.

Why Can’t You Shift Your Belly Fat?

Eating a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods can help you to feel satisfied and full. Eating pleasurable foods in moderation can help you enjoy eating and feel emotionally and mentally satisfied, as well.

When trying to lose weight, many people say that it’s belly fat they want to lose the most. But the belly is normally the last place most people lose fat. But maybe you’re eating healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller. To see how you can get the results you want, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat.


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