When it comes to exercising, many of us are always trying to find the perfect solution to every problem. We don’t like our legs, so we look for the way to fix it. We don’t like our arms, so we look up ways to get the perfect arms.
Unfortunately, there’s no clear cut way of getting the body that you want, and different factors come into play when deciding on the perfect strength training to cardio ratio.
Free Report: Top 5 Exercise MistakesYour Gender
Whether you’re male or female will play a part in how you exercise and how effective different exercises are. While men can lift a lot heavier and build larger muscles than women, this doesn’t mean that they should concentrate solely on strength training. Likewise, women shy away from strength training because they believe the myth that it will make them develop large and unattractive muscles, when, in fact, building muscle can help to lose weight easier and shift excess fat.
Your Activity Levels
If you’re quite active throughout the day, you’re already doing a fair bit of cardio. This might be your job which keeps you on your feet and moving out within a fast-paced environment. If this is the case, you might want to consider concentrating on strength training when you hit the gym.
If you don’t move very much and have a sedentary job, such as working in an office, you can use your exercise sessions to have a 50/50 strength training to cardio ratio. Many people spend about half an hour of each when they visit the gym.
Your Health and Fitness Levels
Apart from looking at your genes, activity levels and other factors, you also need to think about your own health and fitness levels and what you’re actually capable of doing.
If you have heart problems, for example, you won’t be able to do strenuous exercise such as running on the treadmill for length periods of time, and the doctor will probably advise you against any type of heavy lifting or resistance training. If you have bad knees or a bad back, you shouldn’t try to lift anything very heavy, but you can lift smaller weights in order to tone up. Cardio should also be done in a more relaxed manner, and you might, for example, find that you can increase the incline on the treadmill rather than increasing the speed.
Top 5 Exercise Mistakes (Free Report)
In short, there is no perfect strength training to cardio ratio that will work for everyone and give you the perfect body that you want. You need to think about yourself as an individual and experiment to work out the best method for you.
Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do when it comes to burning fat and losing weight. Being healthy is about taking action to do more of the right things, and fewer of the wrong things every day.
Did you know your exercise routine may actually be hindering your weight loss efforts. There are certain mistakes that are easy to make which can cause your weight loss to slow down and even cause you to gain weight! Download my free report, Top 5 Exercise Mistakes to help you improve your fat burning workouts so you get the results you deserve.

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