Don’t Be Scared To Start An Exercise Plan

You know you need to start an exercise plan to get in better shape, but maybe it’s been awhile. Perhaps you’ve gained more weight than you intended. Maybe the thought of doing a huge workout scares you silly.
Stop thinking that way.
You can get back on track if you just start slow and easy. No one is expecting you to run a marathon by next weekend. If you’re expecting that from yourself, you need to stop that. You need to start thinking of a long-term plan instead of a quick fix.
The Slow And Easy Way To Start An Exercise Plan
If you can start with a five minute walk, do that. Depending on where you live, you may be able to walk down your neighborhood street. If you live in the city, you can walk down the sidewalk. The thing to do is, set a timer on your phone for two and a half minutes. Start walking.
When the timer goes off, turn around and head back home. It may seem silly and you may feel like you didn’t get very far, but over time, you will add minutes and distance. This will gradually build up and before you know it, you’ll be walking around the block. Every few weeks you may be walking an extra block.
Free Report: Top 5 Exercise Mistakes
Small Adjustments Lead To Great Benefits
It doesn’t matter if it takes several weeks or maybe even a couple of months to build up to a thirty minute walk each day. The fact is, you’re taking your health seriously and you’re making small adjustments every day that will add up and give you great benefits. By this time next year, you could be walking for an hour or more each day. And all because you decided to simply start with five minutes and gradually add to it.
How To Increase Your Exercise
Here’s a simple way to add time each week. For the first week, take a five minute walk every day. Each week add two more minutes to your time.
- Week One – 5 minutes
- Week Two – 7 minutes
- Week Three – 9 minutes
- Week Four – 11 minutes
After four weeks, you can start adding five minutes each week.
- Week Five – 15 minutes
- Week Six – 20 minutes
- Week Seven – 25 minutes
- Week Eight – 30 minutes
See, within two months you’ve already made it to half an hour per day. From there, you can keep adding time to your walk or you can decide to start adding an extra walk each day, one in the morning and one in the evening. The second walk doesn’t have to be half an hour long, you can start with ten or fifteen minutes and gradually add onto it like you did in the beginning.
Focus on the health benefits and how much better you’re going to feel once you build some momentum. In the beginning, that five minute walk may seem like torture but don’t give up!
Free Report: Top 5 Exercise Mistakes
If three minutes is all you can do when you start an exercise plan, then do it. You didn’t get out of shape in two weeks and you’re not going to get back in shape in two weeks either. Being fit and healthy is about taking action to do more of the right things, and fewer of the wrong things every day.
But, beware. Some exercise routines can actually hinder your weight loss efforts. There are certain mistakes that are easy to make which can cause your weight loss to slow down and even cause you to gain weight! Download my free report, Top 5 Exercise Mistakes to help you start an exercise plan so you get the results you want and deserve.
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