Why Even Thin People Need To Lose Visceral Fat

How Can You Tell If You Need To lose Visceral Fat?

Lose Visceral Fat
Visceral fat can be a problem even if you’re thin.

If you’re thin, you may not realize that you could have a problem and need to lose visceral fat because your health could be at risk. When someone mentions belly fat, most people think of someone who has a visibly fat stomach. But it’s possible to be holding excess fat in your midsection and not be aware of it.

This type of fat is called “visceral fat”, and it can cause problems for people who are obviously over weight and people who appear to be thin.

What Is Visceral Fat?

Visceral fat is fat that’s found in the abdominal cavity around the intestines, heart, liver and other vital organs. It can be present without making your belly pooch out or appear to be carrying excess fat. Visceral fat is sneaky fat because you can’t see it like you can subcutaneous fat, which is fat just beneath the skin, but it can put your health at risk.

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Why is It A Problem?

If you have excess visceral fat, you have an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other metabolic problems. Visceral fat releases hormones into your body that can affect your sensitivity to insulin. Insulin sensitivity can cause you to be tired more often, have fluctuating blood sugar levels, and it can hinder your fat loss efforts.

You will also have a greater risk of developing diabetes if you develop insulin resistance. These same hormones can also increase your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Because these hormones can also cause inflammation in your body, they increase your chance of certain types of cancer.

How To Measure Visceral Fat 

Now that you know what visceral fat is and what it can do to your body, let’s find out if you’re likely to have excess amounts in your abdominal cavity and what you can do to  lose visceral fat.

To find out if you have visceral fat you’ll need to find out what your body fat percentage is and determine if it’s in a healthy range or not. You can determine your body fat percentage with a caliper or by taking your measurements at home and then use an online body fat percentage calculator. Even if you’re thin you can have a high body fat percentage if you have a bad fat to muscle ratio. This condition is known as “skinny fat” among fitness enthusiasts.

How To Improve Your Health

If you think you have excess visceral fat even if you’re thin, there are things you can do to improve your health. You may simply need to continue your fat loss at a slow, steady rate until you lower your body fat percentage.

If you’re already thin and are in danger of being underweight if you continue losing fat, you may need to make an effort to build muscle mass and improve your body fat percentage that way. There are many good muscle building programs available if this is your problem.

You’ll also want to get plenty of rest and control your stress levels. Stress can increase cortisol production, and cortisol will make your body store and hold onto more visceral fat. Increasing your fiber intake and water intake can also help you to lose visceral fat. If you do these things, you’ll reduce your visceral fat and lower your risk of many serious health problems.

Even if you’re thin, visceral fat can be a problem for you. It’s important to check your body fat percentage and keep it in a healthy range. Visceral fat can rob you of your health. Even if you’re thin, be vigilant and do what it takes to reduce keep visceral fat in check.

Free Report: Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat

Having a healthy body fat percentage, daily exercise, a diet that meets your individual needs, and plenty of rest are your best tools for combating visceral fat. Excess belly fat is unhealthy and significantly raises your chances of having health problems. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it’s possible to lose belly fat even though you’re not having success right now. For more information, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat.


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