Nobody but nobody wants to catch a cold or, even worse, the flu. Neither of those illnesses are fun. With so many individuals being busy multi-tasking, raising families, and working, it’s no wonder that there isn’t enough time to be proactive.
However, being proactive when it comes to your health is an essential part of being healthy in the end. Being proactive can mean the difference between missed days of work, missed days of school, and making everyone else in your home or workplace sick as well.
Here are some practical ways to prevent colds and the flu.
Free Report: 10 Health Benefits of Improving Your Fitness3 Proactive Tips To Prevent Colds And The Flu
One of the most important ways to prevent colds and the flu is to set it as a priority. You absolutely need to take the time to be proactive when it comes to your health. With technology abundant in our lives today, there’s no reason why we can’t set a reminder, or use an app to help us along the way.
1. Common Sense for the Common Cold
There are many ways to keep the common cold at bay, but the most important is hand washing. Immediately after coming home from a public place, you should wash your hands. Using paper towels instead of regular towels, and carrying hand wipes or anti-bacterial wash in your purse and car are excellent ideas as well.
2. The Foods You Eat
If the seasons are changing and wintertime is upon you, then it’s imperative to pay attention to the foods you eat. Foods that are higher in vitamin C are your best bet. Adding more fruits and vegetables such as oranges and broccoli are essential for a healthy immune system. Antioxidants found in strawberries and kale, as well as kiwi and cauliflower, are perfect foods to stave off wintertime colds and flus.
3. Staying Hydrated
While staying hydrated is important for every season, it’s particularly true in the winter season. In winter, heat comes on, dries out nasal passages, and leaves our mouths and throats dry. This is an open invitation to germs to settle in for a long winter’s nap.
Keeping hydrated in the winter is easy because there are so many warm and tasty teas on the market, or you can brew up your own. You can even brew tea using herbs such as mint that you have grown in your own garden.
Water is essential during the heat of the summer, but also in the dead of winter. Wintertime comes with drier, colder temperatures and drier skin to boot. Drinking plenty of water, flavored or otherwise, is essential to keeping colds and flus away.
Free Report: How Fitness Improves Your Health
A little bit of prevention goes a long way in staving off colds and the flu. A variety of health challenges can be prevented, reversed, and better managed by simply adding exercise to your lifestyle.
Regardless of your current fitness level, it’s never too late to start improving your fitness level. For more information, download the free report, 10 Health Benefits With Improved Fitness that provides practical exercise tips, tactics, and guidelines to help you prevent colds and the flu with better physical health.

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