Can Strength Training Help Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Diabetes?

How Does Strength Training Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease?

Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease
Strength training makes your heart stronger and improves blood circulation.

There is one thing you should do immediately to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and other dangerous illnesses, infections and diseases. Adopt a healthy diet.

Depending on the study you read, anywhere from 60% to 75% of your fitness is dictated by the food and drink that you put into your body.

Eating and drinking the right things gives your body the fuel it needs to support physical activity and exercise. No matter what type of physical activity you perform, this process boosts your immune system and leads to a stronger, healthier body and mind.

Free Report: The Best Type of Weights for Your Workout

The Two Categories of Exercise

There are two broad categories of exercise. The first category is cardio. This refers to things like running, jogging, skipping rope, using exercise bikes, using treadmills, etc. The idea behind cardio is that it gets your cardiovascular system pumping and it helps you lose weight by burning off calories.

Strength training, on the other hand, is designed to help you burn calories and build muscle by making you do exercises like weight training, anything involving dumbbells, push-ups, pull-ups.

I’m Not Strong Enough To Exercise With Weights

Before you say, “I’m not strong enough to strength train,” it important to understand that strength training does sometimes mean lifting heavy weights. However, it also encompasses body weight training. You use the weight of your own body plus the force of resistance as an exercise platform.

This means you don’t have to go out and spend a lot of money purchasing heavy weights and bulky fitness machines. You already have the weight of your body to use as an effective strength training mechanism.

How Strength Training Helps Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease, the American Heart Association, and agree on a lot of important health issues. One of their many tips you can follow to become healthier is to use strength training to lower your risk of falling prey to infections and disease. Here are some promising statistics reported by those health authorities.

  • Strength training makes your heart stronger and improves blood circulation. This strengthens your ability to resist heart disease.
  • After contracting heart disease, strength training can reverse symptoms.
  • When you strength train, you lower your type II diabetes risk. This benefit increases the more you strength train each week.
  • Strength training for 2.5 hours per week lowers your risk of diabetes by 34% as opposed to staying sedentary.

Supreme Heart Health

When your heart is weak, it’s prone to disease. This is true of any one of your organs and all of your body parts. Strength training makes your heart pump faster, forcing oxygenated blood throughout your body to improve muscle growth.

In this way, strength training, whether it be lifting traditional weights or performing bodyweight exercises, leads to supreme heart health. This will lower your risk of heart disease. Since strength training, also called resistance training, leads to muscle growth, a healthy weight regulation and fat burning, it also increases the ability of your body to resist developing diabetes.

Choosing the Best Weights for Your Workout

From losing weight, to toning muscles or exercising to lower your risk of heart disease or diabetes, working with weights can get you closer to your fitness goal. But how do you choose which equipment to use when exercising with weights? Should you choose barbells, dumbbells or kettlebells?  Download my free report,  Choosing The Best Type of Weights to help you pick the right weights for your workout.