As you get older, you may notice that it’s increasingly difficult to lose weight. This is especially true after you pass the milestone 50th birthday. Don’t fret though, as there are many tips you can use to help you to effectively lose weight after 50.
Free Download: Why You Can't Shift Your Belly FatHow To Lose Weight After 50
You may be wondering why turning 50 is so hard on your body. And honestly, a lot of it has to do with your lifestyle slowing down. Chances are you are no longer as active as you were before, spending more time sedentary than in your previous decades.
And according to Healthline, 50 is also when you experience metabolic changes that also contribute to having less energy and weight gain.
Your social life is also probably slowing down at this time as well. If you have kids, they no longer need the constant chasing they needed when they were young, and your friends are probably no longer inviting you for jogs in the park. You’re also more comfortable and established at your job, no longer working a side hustle to make ends meet. All of this adds up to a life that is generally much less active overall.
Making a Plan
Although you’re probably receiving fewer invitations to do active things with friends, this doesn’t mean that you can’t invite them to do something active with you! Next time you find yourself with a free afternoon, invite a friend for a walk around the park. This way you’ll be doing something active that is good for your body while also being social.
And if you haven’t already, it’s probably time to switch out your diet for something a little bit healthier. Back in the day, it was easy to work off any excess calories you may have consumed. But now it takes more exercise than ever to burn off extra calories, so it’s better to just stick to a healthy diet. If your life is especially sedentary, it may be time to cut back on your portion sizes as well.
Shift From Cardio To Strength Training
Besides just eating right and trying to stay active, as you grow older it’s also critical that you swap your exercises from cardio-based to more strength training. This is because your muscles and bones are more likely to be injured now than ever before, and with proper strength training, you can prepare your body properly for exercise and mitigate injuries.
This doesn’t mean you have to stop all cardio however, and if you’re an avid athlete like a runner or biker—keep on doing what you are doing! But be aware that you need to schedule ample time for strength training in order to retain your muscle strength, as this decreases after 50 even with a cardio routine.
In one article on Healthline, it’s mentioned that strength training also helps to boost your metabolism, which will help you to have more energy. And when you have more energy for your workout, this will keep you on track for your weight loss goals. Just make sure you develop a regular workout routine and stick to it.
Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat
Trying to lose weight after 50 can be a challenge. This is because once you hit the milestone birthday, your metabolism starts to slow and your life becomes more sedentary. Combat this by keeping yourself social, eating a healthy diet, and active, while shifting your focus towards strength training. This way you will be able to work out in a way that is beneficial for your body and lose weight as you enter a new phase of your life.
When trying to lose weight, many people say that it’s belly fat they want to lose the most. But the belly is normally the last place most people lose fat. Maybe you’re eating healthy foods and going to the gym, but the change in diet and exercise isn’t making your midsection smaller. To see how you can get the results you want, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat.