An ounce of prevention is certainly worth a pound of cure when it comes to keeping bugs and viruses away.
If you invest a little time and a little bit of money into preventative medicine and techniques, chances are that you’ll be spending less time and money at the doctor’s office and clinic down the road.
Here are 10 tips on how to keep those nasty illnesses at bay.
Free Report: 10 Health Benefits of Improving Your FitnessHow To Keep Bugs and Viruses Away
1. Eat A Healthy Diet
This basic advice is rarely mentioned with regard to illness prevention, but it is essential. Be sure to keep your intake of Vitamin C as a healthy level and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly seasonal ones. If possible, eat berries like cherries and blueberries. Frozen ones are fine if you can’y get fresh or if fresh ones are too expensive.
2. Get The ‘Good Bugs’
Get lots of “good bugs” into your system to combat the “bad bugs.” Eat plenty of probiotic foods such as yogurt, miso, and natural sauerkraut. It’s also not a bad idea to take probiotic supplements too.
3. Rest Well
Be sure to get plenty of rest. It’s easier said than done, but if you prioritize your rest it will be easier to get the sleep you need. A well-rested body is a healthy one that can fight off illness.
4. Wonderful Honey
Raw, unfiltered honey is a delicious way to prevent upper respiratory infections. Eat a big spoonful each morning and night to keep your immune system healthy.
5. Herbal Drinks
Drink herbal teas made from herbs that have immune-boosting properties. Lemon balm is an effective anti-viral tea, and all of the mints are to a lesser degree.
6. Echinacea
Echinacea is the cold and flu prevention herb of choice, but take care not to drink echinacea teas or take supplements all the time as it loses its effectiveness after a couple of weeks. Take echinacea for a week or so to prevent the onset of illness after you have been exposed or think you have been exposed to germs.
7. Garlic
Garlic is a wonderful antibiotic and anti-viral herb. Mince a clove of it and simmer it in 2 cups of chicken broth. Add as much cayenne pepper as you can tolerate (another cold and flu fighter) and drink a cup or two a day.
8. Basic Hygiene
Wash your hands, even if you think you don’t need to. It’s especially important that you wash your hands before eating. We don’t always think about it, but our hands come into contact with some pretty germy stuff on a regular basis.
9. Homeopathic medicines
Homeopathic medicines can do an excellent job of stimulating the immune system and preventing illness. Check with your local health food store for the most recent homeopathic flu prevention.
10. Vitamins
Take a good multivitamin that is high in zinc. This mineral is important in staving off colds.
Free Report: How Fitness Improves Your Health
Your immune system fights on a moment by moment basis for you. It has a tough job to do already, so help it function at its peak. A variety of health challenges can be prevented, reversed, and better managed by simply adding exercise to your lifestyle.
Regardless of your current fitness level, it’s never too late to start improving your fitness level. For more information, download the free report, 10 Health Benefits With Improved Fitness that provides practical exercise tips, tactics and guidelines to help you improve your immune system and keep those bugs and viruses at bay.