Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat

Is There A Best Time To Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat?

When you exercise to reduce belly fat you have to find a program that not only works exercise to reduce belly fat but also one you enjoy.

Some people like to workout in the gym and other people prefer to exercise outside in the fresh air, and some people like a combination of both.

There is a vast variety of exercises to lose belly fat whether you want to workout inside or outside. But once you have found an exercise program that you like  is there a best time to exercise to reduce belly fat?

Morning or afternoon exercise sessions each have different benefits for your body and your mind.

Our internal circadian rhythm, or body clock, governs our body. It regulates the body’s chemical and hormonal production and metabolism during the day. This lets you sleep when it is sleep time and become active when it is time to exercise.

Your circadian rhythm affects your heart rate, body temperature and hormone levels which are all essential for a successful program of exercises to lose belly fat. While medical professionals are split on whether there is an ideal time of day to exercise, morning and afternoon exercise sessions each have advantages and disadvantages.

Why Choose Morning Exercises to Reduce Stomach Fat?

While there is not enough scientific evidence to support this claim, the main benefit to  exercising in the morning to reduce belly fat is that that you will burn more calories exercising on an empty stomach. Exercise raises your metabolic rate for hours after your workout. Your metabolic rate is the amount of calories your body burns at rest for basic functioning, so with a morning workout you are getting the benefits during the day when you eat. Plus, people who exercise first thing in the morning may be less likely to forget their diets during the day.

Research has also shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to keep with their exercise program over time. If you’re working full time and you have a family you’ll know that there are always demands on your time.  If you leave your workout until later in the day, there is more temptation to skip it entirely due to all the other things that have to be done.

Why Choose Afternoon Exercises to Reduce Stomach Fat?

If getting out of bed in the morning is a struggle for you, then afternoon workouts are definitely the best option, as your enthusiasm to be exercising in the gym or going for a jog or cycle ride will be pretty low first thing in the morning. To get the best out of any program of exercise to reduce belly fat, you need to be committed both physically and mentally.

There is some evidence that shows that exercise in the afternoon gives you an added performance boost. While everyone’s circadian rhythm is different, our bodies tend to be warmest in the afternoon, increasing blood flow and flexibility.  So, if you are not really into a program of simple exercise to reduce belly fat and you prefer complicated, difficult exercise programs (like cycling or dance-style classes) it is best to do them in the afternoon, when your muscles are warmer and thus there is less risk of injury.

There is no overall agreement as to when during the day you should workout for maximum results to reduce belly fat. However, there are some things to remember for both a morning and an afternoon exercise program.If you like to exercise in the morning, make sure that you warm-up, as your muscles will be cool and stiff after sleeping. If you exercise in the afternoon you make sure that you do not regularly miss your workout session.

Overall, rather than being concerned about what is the best time of day to exercise, you need find a good exercise program that you like doing and then stick to it consistently.


For more advice on the best exercise to reduce belly fat check out the Truth about Six Pack Abs program. This program is not just about doing abs exercises. It’s a full program detailing fat reducing exercises and nutrition strategies for foods to reduce belly fat.

Developed Mike Geary, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer, the Truth about Six Pack Abs program is the #1 ranked abdominals program in the world with over 539,000 readers in 163 countries to date.

Click here for a free video presentation with some great tips on exercise to reduce belly fat.

Truth About Abs

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  1. Pingback: A Plan On How To Lose Stomach Fat | How To Get Flat Abs Fast

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