How To Get Flat Abs Fast

7 Tips to Get Flat Abs Fast

One of the main reasons that most people who start on a weight loss and fitness get flat abs fastregime is to lose belly fat.

Every exerciser wants to get flat abs but not every exerciser gets them. So how do you get flat abs fast?

First, you have to understand the basic elements of how your body is shaped.

There are two basic body shapes but regardless of your body shape, a good training program and a healthy diet will help you make the most of your middle and lose belly fat.

What body shape are you?

People with pear-shaped bodies tend to carry fat around the hips and thighs. These people are less likely to store fat in their midsection. This does not mean that a pear-shaped person cannot gain belly fat. It simply means that these people have bodies that tend to store fat elsewhere.

Apple-shaped people carry more fat in their midsection which means that their bodies like to store fat in their middle. The shape of a tight midsection for a person with an apple-shaped body, will look slightly different than the lean abs of a pear-shaped person.

Both apple and pear-shaped people can get a lean, tight core and get a flat stomach fast with the right balance of cardio work, strength training and healthy eating.

Here are 7 tips to get flat abs.

1. Know your how your body works

If you understand how the muscles work, it will be easier to use them properly when you exercise. To get flat abs fast make sure that your abdominal workout includes exercises to work the sides of your torso and exercises which work the abdominal muscles which run down the middle of your midsection. These are the muscles that define your six-pack.

2. Stand up!

Don’t sit down when you can stand up. You can contract your abdominal muscles when you are at work or when performing desk jobs at home. To do this exhale completely and pull your belly button in toward your spine. Hold your abdominal muscles in this position as you inhale again. Relax your abdominal muscles for one breath cycle before repeating this exercise five to 10 times. Think about your posture when you stand. Good posture promotes a strong core and a strong core will promote better posture.

3. Do stability training

When you perform other exercises, such as a bicep curl, do the exercise in a standing position and add an unstable surface under your feet like a wobble board or a bosu ball (an exercise ball that’s been cut in half with a platform on the bottom). That way you have to brace your core and use your abdominal muscles to balance and stay upright. To get flat abs fast you can add this kind of balance challenge to any exercise.

4. Move more

Your random daily activities also play a huge role in how many calories you burn everyday. The fancy term for this is ‘non-exercise activity thermogenesis’ (NEAT), which basically is the energy you use for everything that is not eating, sleeping or deliberate exercise.  It includes things like, housework, work related tasks, fidgeting, chewing gum and walking. All these add up to help you to get rid of belly fat.

5. Interval training

Researchers have found that short bursts of high intensity activity are effective for people who are trying to lose weight, reshape their bodies and get flat abs fast . When you do an interval workout you alternate short periods of hard work with short periods of easier work. The cycle of work/rest is repeated several times in the course of the workout

6. Drink more water

Drink water to stay energized and active. Avoid the high calorie sports drinks and, if you want to add some flavour, add a little fresh lemon or lime juice to your water for a low cost and healthy option. You should aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds (approx 90 kilos), you should drink at least 100 ounces (2 kilos) of water per day. As guide, a standard 1.5 litre bottle of water weighs about 50 ounces (1.5 kilos).

7. Avoid packaged foods

For the right foods to lose belly fat, start by avoiding commercially packaged food products such as chips, crackers, soup mixes, lunch meats, salad dressings and fast foods as they often contain Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG.  This is a flavour-enhancing food dramatically stimulates appetite and causes binging and can add more fat to your body.

Remember the faster way to get abs that you’re proud of is to combine a good diet with a good training program. No one has a perfect midsection, but you can make the most of what you have with smart lifestyle decisions.


For more advice on how to get flat abs fast check out the Truth about Six Pack Abs program. This program is not just about doing abs exercises. It’s a full program  on how to flatten abs fast with proven exercise and nutrition strategies to lose belly fat.

Developed Mike Geary, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer, the Truth about Six Pack Abs program is the #1 ranked abdominals program in the world with over 539,000 readers in 163 countries to date.

Click here for a free video presentation on how to get flat abs fast 

Truth About Abs