The Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Why Citrus Fruits?

We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for us—and that we need to get more of them. But there’s one class of fruit that you can eat all year long, and you get all sorts of benefits: citrus fruits. They’re bright and colorful, sure, but they have tons of health benefits. And beyond the usual suspects such as oranges and grapefruits, you’ll find lots of other citrus fruits that offer more health benefits than you might know.

Take vitamin C, for example—one thing that most people probably know is ever-present in citrus fruits. But did you know that vitamin C also aids in calcium and iron absorption, and helps your skin form collagen, which helps in healing and cell repair? And that vitamin C may also help shorten a cold?

That’s just one benefit of citrus fruits; what are the others? This graphic helps explains it.

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