No-Nonsense Diet And Exercise Plan To Get A Flatter Tummy

What To Do To Get A Flatter Tummy

Get A Flatter Tummy
It’s possible for almost anyone to get a flatter tummy.

When the warmer weather comes around everyone wants to get a flatter tummy. Ladies in their bikinis and crop tops and guys shirtless all the time, looking great is taken to a whole new level when you have the definition. You can obtain that toned midsection with the right amount of consistency and willpower.

It’s no secret that to get a flatter tummy it comes down to the usual diet and exercise, but understanding the specifics is what will make the difference between trying for six-pack abs and actually getting them.

Diet And Exercise Plan To Get A Flatter Tummy

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn problems we get with our bodies.  And losing fat just from one specific part of the body – known as spot reduction – is impossible. In reality, fat comes off the whole body, but what is interesting is it comes off at different rates depending on the body area. And you’re not imagining it, belly fat comes off slower than fat in other places.

Free Download: Why You Can't Shift Your Belly Fat

Your Diet Plan 

1. Eat Clean

The key to a healthy diet that is effective for dropping excess weight and trimming fat is eating “clean”. This means avoiding processed foods, fast foods, and other foods that are high in fat, sodium, and chemicals. Instead eat an all-natural diet that focuses on plenty of fresh produce, whole grains, and lean protein sources.

2. Eat Enough

Many people consider diets to be all about withholding food, but that is simply not the case for healthy and effective diets. Start thinking about the word “diet” in a different way, which simply means eating better for a healthier lifestyle. You should always eat enough calories to feed your body so that you have enough energy and fuel to keep your body healthy.

3. Go Plant Based

Eating a mostly raw, plant-based diet has shown to be extremely effective for weight loss and healthy lifestyles of all types. This is a great diet to explore for anyone that is looking to trim excess belly fat and make room for those cut abs.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water and fluids is an important part of any diet. You want to keep those muscles hydrated.

Your Exercise Plan

1. Consistency Is Key

When you are looking to trim fat and define muscles, remember that consistency with your exercises is the most important factor. After all, you can’t just do one workout and expect it to work. You need to target particular muscle groups and repeat these exercises on a consistent basis.

2. Keep Up With Cardio

To get a flatter tummy, you can’t just rely on crunches alone. Cardio workouts are an important part of any exercise regimen, especially because it helps you trim excess fat. As your abdominals get stronger, you may notice that you use them more during your cardio workouts, too.

3. Core Strengthening 

Definition starts at your core. This group of muscles, including your abdominals and back muscles, helps maintain your balance and makes your targeted abdominal exercises exponentially more effective. Most core exercises, like planking and v-sit exercises, are also more effective for defined abs than most crunches.

4. The Right Workouts 

As mentioned before, getting six-pack abs isn’t just about crunches. In fact, you will need many exercises to reach all of the different parts of your abdominal muscles to get a flatter tummy. These targeted exercises combined with core strengthening workouts are what will make those six-pack abs happen.

Why You’re Struggling With Belly Fat

If you follow these key fundamentals and stay motivated to follow through, you can obtain those sexy six-pack abs.  Losing belly fat to achieve a flat stomach isn’t easy, but it is possible for almost everyone. It takes a consistent calorie deficit for as long as it takes to lower your body fat percentage enough to lose the belly fat that’s in your way of a flat stomach.

Some people naturally hold more fat in their midsection, but it’s possible for almost anyone to get a flatter tummy. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it to have the body you’ve always dreamed of. For more information, download my free report, Why You Can’t Shift Your Belly Fat.


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