How Can You Exercise When You’re Busy?
In today’s hectic society, you can be excused for not finding time for regular exercise when you’re busy. Many people have to get up very early for work, and then when they get home, they often have family commitments.
At the end of a long a day, after the dishes have been washed and the kids have been put to bed, who wants to spend those last hours of their day exercising before they go to bed? But, there are some strategies that you can use to make time for exercise, even if you already have a packed schedule.
Free Report: 15-Minute Fitness Workouts
5 Ways To Find Time To Exercise When You’re Busy
1. Starting Biking or Walking To Complete Errands

Even though it may be more convenient to complete all of your errands by driving, you should consider dividing your errands into two categories. One category would be made up of errands that you have to use your car to complete. The other would be errands that you could do while walking or biking.
Think about which of your errands can be tweaked to allow you to do them while walking. For example, if you need to pick up a few groceries, why not see if you can get them from a closer store that you can walk to? It may sound minor, but even 30-minutes of walking or biking a day can be extremely good for you.
2. Get Up Earlier
The easiest time to exercise is in the morning, especially if you don’t have a particularly long commute to work. There are a lot of benefits to waking up early, one of which is that you do have time to exercise. While the first few days will be a bit rough, eventually your body will adjust to waking up earlier and you’ll feel just as refreshed as if you slept until your usual time.
3. Incorporate Your Kids Into Your Workout
One of the biggest impediments to working out is young kids. Most people don’t want to leave their younger kids unattended while they hit the gym. The solution is to find ways to incorporate your kids into your workout. You can buy a jogging stroller, which lets you jog while your kids sleep soundly in the stroller. You can also join a gym that offers playrooms for kids.
4. Learn To Ditch The Couch
Say it’s been a long day and you want to catch up on the latest episode of your favorite television show or read the next chapter in your favorite book. Normally, people sit down while doing this, but you could be exercising while doing both those activities. Do squats, sit-ups, pushups, etc. in front of the television. Likewise, thanks to audiobooks, you can exercise and “read” at the same time.
5. Take The Stairs
Whenever you can, take the stairs rather than getting in the elevator or using the escalators. Going up the stairs is one of the best ways to burn extra calories. Walking up stairs helps your cardiovascular system and it will help you strengthen and tone your legs including your glutes (your butt).
Free Report: Short Workouts For Busy People
Short workouts are a great fat-burning system that can fit in with your lifestyle. For many of us, finding time to exercise when you’re busy is something we know we should do, but exercise is often the first thing to get dropped. However, it is possible to significantly improve your health and fitness with short workout sessions. Download this free report to see how you can start and maintain a 15-minute fitness plan.
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