Why Should We Eat Less Sugar and Salt?

On the surface, sugar and salt seem like two innocuous minerals that improve the taste of food. In fact, when taken in moderation at the recommended levels, sugar and salt can be beneficial to maintaining a healthy body.
But sugar and salt have an insidious side that when eaten in excess, can raise havoc with your energy levels.
Why You Should Eat Less Sugar and Salt
The body uses carbohydrates as a source of glucose (sugar) that your cells convert into energy. Carbohydrates are divided into complex and simple. The main difference between the two is the rate at which they break down.
Sugar happens to be a simple carbohydrate that can provide a quick source of energy if needed. However once it’s used up, energy levels fall off dramatically as the body no longer has the influx of glucose that is previously had. This is commonly known as a sugar crash.
Too Much Sugar
Too much sugar in the blood stream over time can cause strokes, heart diseases, nerve damage and a host of other medical conditions. It’s better to reduce the amount of simple carbs being consumed and eat more complex carbs. They break down slower thus providing a more consistent source of energy without the blood sugar spike and resulting crash.
The daily recommended amount is 9 teaspoons for men and 6 for women. But for many people they are consuming as high as twice as much as they should.
Free Report: 6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy LevelsSalt
The main ingredient in salt is sodium. It’s one of the mineral micro-nutrients our body needs to maintain the right electrolyte balance, along with potassium. Most energy used by the body comes from the three macro-nutrients:
However, micro-nutrients, including sodium from salt, is necessary for proper functioning of your metabolism and growth, including muscle growth. But salt doesn’t provide any energy for your body to use.
While not a problem for most of us in the Western world, too little sodium from salt can cause muscle cramps and fatigue along with other health issues of which some are serious. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Most of us get too much salt.
Too Much Salt
Generally speaking, around 1,500 mg per day is ideal for most folks. U.S. government dietary guidelines suggests less than 2,300 mg per day. Unfortunately, we’re getting far too much sodium in our diets.
On average, we get up to twice that amount at 3,300 mgs with 75% coming from processed food. This not only increases blood pressure, but sets many of us up for a cardiovascular event much like sugar, a heart attack or stroke, not to mention the weight gain which can cause another host of health issues.
Even without a negative medical event, having elevated blood pressure over a long period of time causes stress to the heart and cardiovascular system as a whole with fatigue eventually setting in as the damage progresses. In short, the heart just can’t keep up the pace it is being asked to work making for a gradual reduction in energy and eventual fatigue.
6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels
The simple way to eat less sugar and salt is to ensure that your intake only comes from natural food sources and without any of either mineral added. It’s the added sugar and salt that contributes the most to people eating too much leaving them sapped of energy.
At one time or another, all of us can use a boost in our energy level. Because we are creatures of habit and function on bio-rhythms, getting into a daily routine of practicing certain habits will keep us going day-in and day-out. Download this Free Report that reveals 6 habits that should be part of your daily routine.
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