There are many ways to improve your health and fitness. You might perform strength training to improve your muscle strength and bone density. You might also perform mobility exercises to increase your range of motion, decrease pain and improve flexibility.
Another type of training, called endurance exercises, may be one of the better types of exercise for overall health and fitness. There are many benefits to improving your muscular and cardiovascular endurance. You’ll lose weight. Your metabolism will improve. You’ll reduce your risk of illness, sleep better and have less stress.
Free Report: 6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels
What Are Endurance Exercises?
There are two different types of endurance. You can have cardiovascular endurance, meaning your heart and lungs can help you sustain a good effort over a long period of time. You can also have muscular endurance, meaning your muscles can help you sustain a good effort over a long period of time.
Ideally, it’s great to have both cardiovascular and muscular endurance. The following endurance exercises can help beginners start improving their fitness endurance on all levels.
3 Types Of Endurance Exercises
The squat is one of the fundamental functional fitness exercises. Think about it – whenever you sit down you’re performing a squat. To do a squat, position your feet about shoulder width apart. Now bend your knees using your gluteus and thigh muscles. Keep your weight in your heels and lower your hips below parallel – below your knees. Stand up. Repeat.
The plank is a supreme core strength and endurance exercise. To perform the plank you’ll utilize your entire group of back and abdominal muscles. Get into a push-up position with your arms fully extended. Hold the position as long as you can. You can make the plank move more difficult by resting your forearms on the floor with your elbows positioned under your shoulders. Keep your body straight and tight. Don’t allow your knees to bend or your rear end to raise or lower.
Cardio intervals
A cardio interval workout is a workout that involves running, race walking, cycling, swimming or another form of cardio exercise. If you have an elliptical machine or a rowing machine, you can do an interval workout on it.
Warm up at a low-intensity level for five minutes. Exercise at a moderate intensity level for five minutes. Now increase your effort and work out at an intense level for five minutes. Drop back down and reduce your intensity level to a moderate level for five minutes and alternate until you’ve been working out for thirty minutes, not including your five-minute warm-up.
Improve Your Muscular and Cardiovascular Endurance
Combining these three exercises into a weekly workout will help you improve both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Once you’ve added these beginner exercises into your weekly workout program, you may want to consider adding more exercises or increasing your intensity.
For example, you might track how many squats you can do in a minute, rest a minute, and repeat for a period of five rounds. Or you might increase the length of time you spend on cardiovascular exercise. Instead of a thirty-minute workout you could increase it to forty or forty-five.
6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels
Do you feel too tired to try endurance exercises? Lifestyle choices, poor diet and a lack of physical activity all influence your energy levels. At one time or another, all of us can use a boost in our energy level. Because we are creatures of habit and function on bio-rhythms, getting into a daily routine of practicing certain habits will keep us going day-in and day-out. This Free Report reveals 6 habits that should be part of your daily routine.
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