Drinking Water And Weight Loss

How to Drink More Water Every Day

Every animal on Earth needs water to live, and that is especially true of humans.

Depending on your height and weight, you could need more water than the average amount, but every person needs water because dehydration causes a cellular breakdown in the body.

The problem isn’t that you don’t understand you need more water, but trying to find time and circumstances to get your daily recommended amount.

Here are 3 easy ways to ensure you drink more water every day.

Free Report: 6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels

3 Easy Ways To Drink More Water

When You Wake Up

3 Easy Ways To Drink More Water

Everyone should have a healthy wake-up routine where they wake up. You stretch, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and so forth. Add the step of drinking a glass of water right when you wake up.

This is good for your body because it will get your bodily functions moving right away so that you can have proper elimination during the day, and provide fresh fluids for your vital organs. Also, your mind will function more efficiently because you’re giving it something vital to promote proper cellular functionality. That way you will become sharper by the time you get to work, school, and any other activities where you need to use your mind.

Get A Water Bottle

If you keep a water bottle around, you’ll find it easier to remember to drink water, and you will be far less likely to reach for a sugary soda.

Another great advantage of having a water bottle is that it will help you to be more aware of the amount of water that you drink in a day. Some people will even go as far as buying a water bottle that visibly measures how much water they’ve drank. Even more lavish, there are even high-tech options that communicate with applications that will electronically monitor your water intake and deliver them to your phone.

Before Bed

During sleep, it’s inevitable that you’ll lose lesser amounts of water.

When you go 7 – 8 hours without any sort of fluids, your mind and body can become somewhat dehydrated. While you won’t want to consume a large quantity of water right before going to sleep, it could be a very good thing if you were to drink a smaller cup of water about 30 minutes before going to bed. This will prepare you for morning elimination, and limit the amount of water lost during the night.

6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels

When you drink enough water every day, you’re going to notice that your skin texture improves, your eyes become clearer, and your brain fog disappears. Not only that, some people have even suggested they experience less body pain.

When you eat less junk food and recharge your body correctly you can get your life back and improve the quality of your life. There is no reason you need to be exhausted and tired all the time. Lifestyle choices, poor diet and a lack of physical activity all influence your energy levels. This free report, 6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Energy Levels reveals simple to follow routines that will improve your energy levels.
