What To Do When Your Body Hurts After Exercise

Why Your Body Hurts After Exercise

Ever had those days where you put in an incredibly hard workout and are feeling incredibly proud of yourself – but the next morning you wake up and can hardly move?

If so, you already know all about post workout muscle soreness. Post workout muscle soreness is a tricky thing because you may not realize just how hard you were pushing yourself during the workout, and so the effects only hit you the next day after it’s much too late to back off a bit.

If your body hurts after exercise, here are some useful tips to help prevent soreness.

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What To Do When Your Body Hurts After Exercise


First things first, the initial thing that you should be doing to combat post Body Hurts after Exerciseworkout muscle soreness is to make sure you’re stretching during your cool down. This will help to reduce the amount of tension built up in the muscle cell (which is what’s causing that soreness to develop in the first place.)

Hold each stretch you do for at least 30 seconds for best results.

Take a Hot Bath

Taking a hot bath after your workout will increase the amount of blood flow throughout the body. When you have a healthy blood circulation, critical nutrients are delivered to the muscle cells while toxins are cleared away. A hot bath will also serve to relax the body, reducing any tension that may be present.

Get Good Nutrition

In order to combat soreness, ensure that you’re getting enough nutrition. It’s vital that you eat well not only on workout days as doing so will supply raw materials to repair the muscles and make sure that you are seeing a speedy recovery. If you don’t eat well, you’ll stay in that broken down state for a longer period of time.

Rotator Cuff Exercises

When post workout muscle soreness happens in the arms, you can use exercise bands, a lightweight dumbbell, or even a towel to perform a specific rotator cuff exercises to ease the pain. These exercises are not designed to get you toned but are meant to increase the strength and elasticity of the rotator cuff. The goal of these exercises is, therefore, to target the source of your pain in the arm, and this basically means you’ll gradually begin to feel a sense of relief when you lift your hands.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy, while a slightly pricier option, can go a long way to reducing muscle soreness. If you’re finding the soreness is just not getting any better, you may have some tension built up that you need to rid yourself of. A deep tissue massage can be the perfect way to do so and get you feeling well again.

Free Report:  10  Muscle Toning Mistakes Women Make

Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do when it comes to exercising. Being healthy is about taking action to do more of the right things, and fewer of the wrong things every day.

Always strive to use proper form and never do more than you handle.  If you’re not doing it right you can hurt yourself.  When women try to build muscle they often end up making a variety of mistakes that make the job of building muscle much harder than it needs to be.  Download my free report, 10 Muscle Toning Mistakes Women Make  to help you get your strength training basics right and avoid injury.

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