No. You won’t magically wake up one day and look like one of those juiced out bodybuilders on the front of muscle magazines. Luckily, the “I just don’t want to get too bulky” argument from women in regards to lifting weights is slowly going to the wayside.
Maybe it’s the droves of scientific information that proves the difference between a woman and a man’s hormonal milieu makes it nearly impossible for the vast majority of females to elicit the same gains as males from a lifting protocol.
Maybe it is the surge in CrossFit™ popularity that is exposing many women, which would not have otherwise even tried it, to the positive benefits of weightlifting. If you’re still on the fence, these 6 reasons below outline why women should lift weights.
Why Women Should Lift Weights
1. Long Term Bone Health
It’s a pretty well-established fact that women have much higher odds of bone deterioration later in life. The medicines that exist now to treat it are effective in slowing the progress of such conditions, but there may be a way to prevent or lessen such issues altogether. There is a principle of biomechanics called Wolff’s Law.
Wolff’s Law states that applying a bending force (i.e. muscle contraction of physical load) on a bone stimulates the bone remodeling process causing bone to grow thicker and stronger over time to adapt to the stress… think about that.
It’s literally the polar opposite of a bone wasting condition. So, if you have a family history of osteoporosis or are at risk yourself, you really should begin properly lifting weights to take advantage of this phenomena.
Free Report: 9 Strength Training Myths For Women2. Calorie Burning
There are some issues that go along with the typical long-duration slow steady-state cardio most women default to when they chose to start exercising. Mainly, the only way to improve on the calorie-burning benefits of long cardio sessions is to either make them longer or do them more frequently. This is because of deep inlayed survival mechanisms that we have evolved that actually causes or resting metabolic rate to slow down (i.e. we burn less calories at rest to store more energy for longer cardio sessions) once exercise has ceased.
High-intensity activity and weightlifting elicit a response called EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). EPOC happens because of the high anaerobic state of intense exercise. Basically, oxygen gets squeezed out of the muscle and it takes 24-36 hours to replenish that lost 02. During that time period, resting metabolic rate is drastically increased.
This EPOC principle isn’t the end all be all of efficient calorie burning. Of course, everyone needs a base of aerobic fitness that should constantly be maintained throughout life. The increase in Resting Metabolic Rate after intense exercise is just too significant to be ignored.
3. Thyroid Issues
Although the research is still a little spotty, it’s worth mentioning that using cardio as a primary form of exercise may have some negative affect on the thyroid in women.
Most likely, due to the energy conservation phenomena mentioned above, the metabolic regulatory properties of the thyroid appear to chronically slow down. Again, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever do cardio, it just shouldn’t be the primary form of exercise.
4. Confidence
There are very few things in life that mimic the feeling of absolutely crushing a new personal record on a free weight lift. Being able to quantify and see increases in your physical strength will definitely transfer over into your confidence overall positive psychological state. Think of it this way, once you’ve reached some incredible milestone like a 300lb deadlift, how on earth could anything in real life “weigh you down?”
Free Report: The Best Type of Weights for Your Workout5. Prevent Boredom
Cardio is boring. There is barely any variation outside of just using a different machine or changing up your time/intervals. With weightlifting, you’re basically only limited by your imagination with the variations you can utilize to continue your progress. Also, staleness is the death of consistency. Anything you can do to keep your training fresh will ensure a much higher level of adherence for the long term.
6. It’s Just Plain Cool!
If the above is not enough to convince you, this might. Weight lifting is just plain cool and you’ll look totally hot lifting iron next to the other people at the gym.
Don’t Believe The Myths – Women Should Lift Weights!
Remember that you can never be too old to start lifting weights. And don’t believe that weightlifting is just for men! Women should lift weights. It builds strength, helps you lose weight, improves sleep, sex, and so much more. To get the real truth, download my free report Strength Training Myths For Women.

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