When you start a workout routine you don’t always do it because of the mental health benefits. The people who exercise on a regular basis primarily will do it to stay physically fit and perhaps lose a few pounds.
However, the physical aspects of your body are very much associated with the mental aspects of your body.
The link between both physical and mental health is very strong, and the things that you do physically to your body can have a massive effect on your emotions and how you feel on a day to day basis.
So why is regular exercise good for mental health?
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How Is Exercise Good For Mental Health?
1. You’ll Have More Self-Confidence

Lots of people start exercising in the first place in order to build their self-confidence. A lack of self-confidence can be a terrible thing, and it can stop people from doing the things that they want to do.
Exercise helps to build confidence since it gives you a sense of achievement regarding your body, and if you work hard enough to start seeing results, you’ll become happier with your body.
2. Exercise Releases Endorphin
The release of endorphins into your body make exercise good for mental. Endorphins are the hormones which make you feel happier, and one of the most common ways these are released is through exercise. They can also be released by eating healthy foods, hugging someone or being intimate with a person you love or are very close to. If you’re feeling down and you want a quick way to give yourself a boost, go for a run or head to the gym.
3. It Will Boost Your Immune System
Exercising regularly can help to give your immune system a boost, and while this is definitely a physical side effect of working out, it’s also a mental side effect too. Exercise is good for mental health because with a better immune system, you’ll be less likely to develop depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. A strong immune system also means that you will develop less colds and flus. These can make you feel low and down about yourself, particularly if you need to take time off work or have to miss out on certain occasions or social events.
4. You Can Get Rid of Anxiety
If you have anxiety, you can get rid of some of it in the short term by exercising. If you exercise using intense workout methods, it can be a great way to release any tension and worry that you might be feeling. A regular exercise schedule could mean that you greatly alleviate your symptoms of anxiety in the long term too.
Exercise Can Be Fun!
For most people, fitness and fun are two words that normally don’t go together, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Fitness can be fun! It’s all in your mindset. Look for things you can do that make your fitness routines more enjoyable.
Is exercise good for mental health? Absolutely. But different things work for different people. Some people like racket sports, other like running, swimming, dancing or strength training at the gym. There are countless different types of exercise so there will be one that you’ll enjoy. Make a resolution to try something new tomorrow!
How To Stick To Your Fitness Resolutions
If you don’t enjoy your exercise, you’ll be more likely to give up on your workouts. Quitting can have some serious mental consequences knowing you failed. Adjust down, try a new activity and keep making forward progress. Overall, it’s reaching goal that matters. Everything else is just part of the process of getting there. To help you stick to your exercise goals, download my free report, How To Stick To Your Fitness Resolutions.
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