3 Tips To Get A Flat Tummy (10 Minutes Per Day)

3 Easy Tips To Get A Flat Tummy

We all lead busy lives and trying to get a flat tummy can be difficult when we eat too muchget a flat tummy fast food and have little time for exercise. Fundamentally, if you want to know how to get a flatter stomach you have to recognize that you need to fuel your body with the right foods, not overindulge and use physical movement to burn up the fuel your body has been fed. In other words,  getting your body to burn more calories that you are consuming.

With a little planning and just ten minutes a day, here are 3 easy tips to get a flat tummy.

3 Quick Tips To Get A Flat Tummy

1. Check What You’re Eating

If you want to lose the the bulge and get a flat tummy you’re going to have to consume fewer calories than you burn. Start to monitor what you eat and what you burn each day. To start with, cut out sugary drinks and stop eating junk fast foods and you will start to see a difference. If you keep a check on what you eat, you’ll see what foods fill you up longer and what foods your body burns quickly. Quick burning foods mean you’re hungry soon after you eat them. Aim for lean protein, lots of fiber and fruits and veggies.

There are some great free and easy to use applications that you can download onto your mobile phone that will help you track what you eat and what you burn each day. In very simple terms, 1 pound (approx half a kilo) of fat is equivalent 3500 calories. That means to get a flat tummy, if you burn 500 more calories a day than you eat, you can lose 1 pound (approx half a kilo) in a week.

Free Report: Top 5 Exercise Mistakes
2. Get Moving!

A sedentary lifestyle will not help you to get a flat tummy. Don’t sit around for too long and get moving! One excuse for people who say they can’t get a flat belly is that they don’t have the time to exercise. But you don’t need to go the gym for hours everyday. Take the stairs, park your car at the far end of the car park or get off one stop early if you’re on public transport. Find a way to take at least 10,000 steps a day. Studies have shown that people who take 10,000 steps a day lose weight faster and keep it off.

You can burn calories by doing your regular household chores. Vacuuming, washing dishes, and doing laundry are all regular chores that burn fat. Playing with your children is not only a great way to get a flat tummy but the children love it too! They love to run around and be active while outside. Play tag with them, go on a bike ride or take a walk.

3. Work Your Core Muscles 

Once you are monitoring what you eat and moving your body more, the last step of these 3 tips to get a flat tummy is to start working your core muscles. And you can do that in just 10 minutes each day. The best fitness activities to get a flat tummy fast are those that focus on your entire core, your back and stomach. Sit-ups are great but they only work specific muscles in your abdominals. You need to lose the layer of fat that is sitting on top of your abs.

As an example, a 10 minute workout would consist of doing full abdominal crunches where your legs also come off of the ground, bridge exercises where you lay on the floor and move your hips up toward the ceiling,single leg abdominal press, plank pose, and side plank. Move through each repetition slowly so you get the full benefit of the movement and hold the exercise for a few seconds before releasing it. You’ll build muscle and burn more fat. Repeat each exercise 8-10 times then move onto the next exercise.

The good thing about these core exercises is that you don’t need any fancy equipment to do them. Get down on the floor when your favorite television show is on or get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning.


In your desire to lose weight, your exercise routine may actually be hindering your weight loss efforts. There are certain mistakes that are easy to make which can keep you from losing weight and even cause you to gain weight! Download this free checklist that reveals 5 exercise mistakes which slow down your weight loss, and you’ll soon be able to hit your target weight much quicker.
