How Easy Is It To Lose Weight Walking?

5 Great Tips To Lose Weight Walking

Can you really lose weight walking? When it comes to losing weight, a simple approachlose weight walking is going to help you get results that you actually want. It’s easy to be led astray by promises from weight loss supplements, fancy gym equipment and more. But if you start walking more and combine this with a sensible eating plan, you’ll be well on your way to losing those unwanted pounds.

With so many options and so many ways to make your walking more fun and get more benefit from the time you walk, it just makes sense to include walking into your overall fitness plan. Let’s have a look at why it’s easy to lose weight walking.

5 Tips To Help You Lose Weight Walking

1. Why Choose Walking?

Walking is a great activity for anyone at any fitness level, or age. It’s perfect if you’re out of shape or overweight. Walking is easy on your joints, and you can increase your walks according to your ability. On the plus side you don’t require any special equipment for walking. You should invest in a good pair of walking shoes though. Otherwise you may find that your feet hurt.

There are many places you can walk all year long. If you live in a colder climate you can walk indoors at your local mall during the winter. Many malls open early to accommodate walkers, plus it’s perfect for moms with stroller’s too.

2. Start Off Slowly

As with any exercise, when you first start walking for fitness and weight loss, start off slowly and work up the amount of time you spend walking and the distance you cover. If you have any type of health or joint issue, always consult your doctor before starting on any type of exercise program. This way your doctor can give you any extra advice that will only add to your success.

3. Short Walks Work Too

A 15-minute walk after lunch at steady pace of 3mph will burn approximately 60-70 calories depending on your weight. While this doesn’t sound like much, it amounts to 300 calories over a 5-day working week. Add to that some walking at the weekend and you can see how the calories burned over a week can really add up.

You can lose weight walking because it’s easy to fit it into your daily routine. You can choose to walk to and from work or when visiting the grocery store instead of driving your car. If you use public transport, get off one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way.

4. Become An Official Dog Walker! 

If you own a dog, become the official dog walker. You can walk with your grandkids or kids or invite friends and neighbours to walk with you. Hey, you could even start a local walking club. This would make walking fun for you, and if you’re walking with a friend it provides you with motivation to meet them and walk – you wouldn’t want to let your friend down by not showing up!

5. Increase Your Intensity 

After a couple of weeks, you will notice that your fitness level start improving. This is a good signal that it’s now time to increase the intensity of your walks. Either walk a little faster, or go a little further. One hour of brisk walking can burn up to 280 calories.

One of the popular walking workouts for weight loss is to carry hand or ankle weights whilst walking. This gives you an upper body workout while your respiratory and circulatory systems benefit. Another great way to increase your walking is to find some hilly terrain to walk on. See if you can walk up some nearby hills!

Lose Weight Walking

Remember that to lose weight walking you need to a start slowly and then increase the intensity as your fitness level increase. You’ll feel better, lose weight and start sleeping better. Who doesn’t want that?

In your desire to lose weight, your exercise routine may actually be hindering your weight loss efforts. There are certain mistakes that are easy to make which can keep you from losing weight and even cause you to gain weight! Download this free checklist that reveals 5 exercise mistakes which slow down your weight loss, and you’ll soon be able to hit your target weight much quicker.

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