Losing Belly Fat For Women

Why Is Losing Belly Fat For Women Difficult?

The body of a man and a women are obviously physically different and each Losing belly fat for womenhave various problems that they have to deal with. And in the matter of weight loss, losing belly fat for women is harder than it is for men. This is because a woman’s hormones are different to those of a man.

One key area of obesity research has focused on how the hormone leptin influences the body’s ability to shed excess weight. According to the latest research, leptin plays an important role in appetite control, metabolism and weight loss and women have higher levels of leptin than men.

Abdominal Fat in Women

When it comes to leptin levels and a belly fat loss diet, leptin levels rise when you eat and fall when you’re not eating.  This helps control your sense of hunger and your metabolic rate to keep you from gaining or losing weight. As long as they don’t rise too high or fall too low you’ll remain weight stable and feel fine.

But women experience more extreme highs and lows of leptin than men. These big changes in leptin mean that losing belly fat for women is more difficult as it leads to the crash and rebound weight gain that so many women experience on standard diets that restrict the amount of calories that you can eat.

The challenge of losing belly fat for women on a new diet regime is that leptin levels can fall too far, too quickly. This makes it very difficult to lose weight. In fact, many women eventually crash and experience a big rebound weight gain. This is dramatic rise and fall of leptin could very well be what is causing  many belly fat loss Diet regimes to fail and cause many women to put all the weight back on.

In contrast, a man’s leptin levels rise and fall very predictably and within a relative small range. This means that men who are looking for ways to lose stomach fat can follow a pretty mundane, straight forward calorie restrictive diet and make it through to the end without a major crash or rebound.

Stomach Fat in Women

Women on the other hand experience dramatic swings in leptin that require a more intelligently designed diet to control these big swings in leptin levels. One of the techniques is the concept of  a ‘cheat’ day where you to eat more food and more carbs specifically to attempt to bring your leptin levels back up after days of dieting. But this often leads to people really over-eating on that day.

It should be considered as a strategic ‘eat-up’ day. Women need these strategic ‘eat-up’ days throughout their weight loss program to prevent their leptin levels leptin levels consistent and keep the fat burning going. The key element is getting the right amount of ‘diet days’ combined with the right amount of enough ‘eat-up’ days.


Losing belly fat for women can be harder than it is for men because of the genetic and hormonal make-up of a woman. But research shows when women use this science proven tip to boost their metabolism they burn fat faster and easier than men instead of the other way around for once! Flip on your female fat burning switch today. Losing belly fat for women does not have to be hard.

Venus Factor

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  1. Pingback: Top 5 Excuses For Not Losing Belly Fat | How To Get Flat Abs Fast

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