Watch Out For These ‘So Called’ Weight Loss Foods

Some companies are sneaky in the way they advertise their weight loss foods as “healthy”. They usually promote the healthy part while leaving out information about the unhealthy ingredients, which in some cases far exceed the healthy ones.
For example, many “fat-free” products are loaded with added sugar. Fat provides flavor, so if it’s taken out, something has to replace it to make it as palatable as possible. That’s usually sugar in one form or another.
Free Report: 15 Foods To Eat Before & After Your Workouts
3 Weight Loss Foods That Aren’t Very Healthy
Dried Fruit
This sounds innocent enough – fruit with the moisture taken out. How bad can it be? It can be full of sugar, both naturally occurring and added. When fruit is dried, the natural sugar is concentrated so you’re actually getting more sugar for the same size piece. Sugar doesn’t have any value whatsoever besides filling your body with extra calories.
And on top of it, some companies also add more sugar to their products, not to mention processing their dried fruit with a chemical called sulfur dioxide. If you like dried fruit, you’re better off making your own with a dehydrator and only eating a few pieces at a time.
Diet Soda
Because it has “diet” in its name, it should be good for you right? Wrong! Because most diet sodas are sweetened with an artificial sweetener, they fool your body into thinking it’s real sugar and in response cause your insulin level to spike. Once it comes crashing down, you’re left hungry.
Studies have shown that the chemical used to give soda (diet and otherwise) its caramel color is also bad for you. Water, either plain or carbonated, is still the best drink that will not add calories to your diet or spike your insulin level, but quench your thirst.
Margarine (or any of the butter substitutes)
Several years ago when the low-fat, no-fat craze began, butter fell out of favor in lieu of one of many butter substitutes. If you knew how margarine was made, you would (and should) stick with real butter.
To make margarine, vegetable oil is extracted from corn, soybeans, or safflower seeds, steamed, hydrogenated, emulsified, bleached, steamed again, and then doctored up with synthetic vitamins and colors to make it look and taste like real butter. Does that sound whole process sound healthy? If your answer was no, you are right! Real butter in moderation is the only healthy option because it’s made with real milk with minimal processing.
Read The Label
The only way to tell if a food or drink is healthy is to read the nutrition labels. Stay away from foods with added sugar in one of its forms or another, along with high amounts of saturated or trans-fat. Also look at the number of ingredients. The more it has, the less healthy it will be. Your weight loss foods need to be minimally processed, contain few ingredients and which you can pronounce!
15 Healthy Workout Foods
Some foods play an important role not only as a source of energy for your body, but also for your health and should be factored in as part of your daily requirement. Your body needs a certain kind of nutrition in each stage of an exercise workout. Download this free report to discover 15 Foods To Eat Before & After Your Workout and why those types of weight loss foods are best at both ends of an exercise session.
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