The Best Way To Lose Belly Fat Is To Focus On Addition (Not Subtraction)

The Best Way To Lose Belly Fat 

One of the first things people do when they are looking for the best way to lose belly fat is tobest-way-to-lose-belly-fat make a list of all the things they are not going to eat anymore.

Pretty soon, it can become clear that your new eating plan is going to mean that you’ll be cutting out many of your favorite foods.

But the best way to lose belly fat is to change how you think about what you eat and do. If you think that it is all about all the things you won’t be able to eat anymore, you’ll find yourself feeling deprived and that can lead to blowing your diet big time.

What Are The Best Foods For Losing Belly Fat?

Firstly, think about what you need to add to your belly fat diet.  When you focus on the healthy, nutritious and best foods for losing belly fat it leaves less time for worrying about what you’re missing. By adding healthy items, you actually will crave less of the non-nutritious foods.

Some the best foods to eat to lose belly fat include fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain foods, fibre sources such as flaxseeds and beans, lean meats and drinking plenty of water. There are also a whole selection of ‘negative calorie’ foods that you can include into your diet.

When you eat all of the servings you need of these foods your nutritional needs will be met. You’ll feel full and healthy and less likely to crave the foods that don’t fit in with your diet plan.

Focus On The Positives

When you focus on what you can’t eat you increase the feeling of deprivation. When you focus on what you need to add to your diet you increase your feeling of fullness and wellbeing.  Psychologically you can avoid the trap of blowing your diet and feeling guilty.

The best way to lose belly fat is to have the right mindset from the start. It is a critical component of making sure you eat healthy and take care of your body with regular exercise. With your belly fat gone, think about the new clothes you will be able to wear, how you’ll look in your swim suit and how much healthier you will be.

Pay attention to how you’re feeling about losing your excess belly fat.  Make a list of the things you need to add to your meals and what will make your exercise routine more enjoyable. You’ll find quickly that this improves the way you feel about changing your lifestyle.


If you’re trying to get a flat sexy stomach, many of the so-called “healthy” foods to eat to lose belly eat are actually causing more problems than they solve. They’re junk food in disguise. Right after you eat them, they start turning into ugly belly fat that makes you feel and look bloated. Check out the worst snack for fat loss (which causes mega-bloating) in this free presentation. You’ll also discover the best way to lose belly fat with a “weird” trick that takes just 6 minutes each morning.

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