How Much Exercise Do You Need

The Connection Between Your Target Heart Rate And Your Workout

Your target heart rate is the range of values for how fast your heart should be beating when you exercise. You can use a percentage range to help you determine how effective your workout is when you’re in the target heart rate zone. Each person has a different target heart rate range.

According to Harvard University, “If you don’t exercise regularly, you should check with your doctor before you set a target heart rate. Some medications—particularly beta-blockers—can lower your heart rate. Your doctor can help you set realistic goals.”

So, the important thing to remember here is that these numbers are different for everyone. If you’re healthy enough for regular unmodified exercise you can use various charts online for reference to determine these ranges.

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How To Find Your Target Heart Rate

Check your resting heart rate. Count your pulse at the radial artery (the pulse point on the back or thumb side of the wrist just behind the thumb) for 60 seconds. Do this when you are sitting and relaxed. This is your resting heart rate.

According to the CDC (Centers For Disease Control), “For moderate-intensity physical activity, your target heart rate should be between 64% and 76% of your maximum heart rate. You can estimate your maximum heart rate based on your age. To estimate your maximum age-related heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For vigorous-intensity physical activity, your target heart rate should be between 77% and 93% of your maximum heart rate.”

Focus On More Than The Number

Target Heart Rate And Your Workout

Learn these values for target heart rate but always focus on a safe workout. Use good technique in training or sports you participate in. Don’t get overly focused on reaching your target heart rate in every workout.

Realistically sometimes your heart rate will be lower, and sometimes it will be higher. Push yourself as appropriate for the activity that you’re doing. Always aim for quality over the number. This is a good general recommendation for all cardiovascular fitness.

Signs That You Are Getting A Great Workout

There are plenty of ways to monitor the quality of your workout. If you’re doing cardio you’ll have an elevated respiratory rate. You might be sweating. You might feel the burn if you’re lifting weights or doing strength training. Also looking at progress indicators.

7 Great Ways To Measure Your Workout Progress

  1. Improving the time it takes to walk or jog a mile.
  2. Count the number of pushups you can do in 30 seconds.
  3. Get your first pull up.
  4. Hike farther than you did last time.
  5. Swim further than last time.
  6. Loss of inches on your waist.
  7. Improved performance in sports.

It’s useful to understand your normal range for resting heart rate, maximum heart rate, and target heart rate. This can help you with your fitness goals but also to be more knowledgeable about your health. Being aware of these values can tip you off if you ever have an unusually low, high, or irregular heart rate because you’ll have some experience at checking your pulse.

The Truth About Trackers

You can use fitness bands, fitness trackers, apps, or even gym machines that claim to measure heart rate. But remember that these are tools that are often general estimates of your heart rate. In many cases, the value isn’t customized to your height and weight on many gym machines. It’s often better to count your own pulse rate. That said, these tools can provide a general idea of where you’re at as well as fun, accountability, and motivation.

Top 5 Exercise Mistakes (Free Download)

These are the basics for working with your target heart rate in health and fitness. Getting into the habit of monitoring this rate is an excellent way to gauge progress in your health and fitness journey. Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do when it comes to improving your fitness.

Being healthy is about taking action to do more of the right things, and fewer of the wrong things every day. Download my free report, Top 5 Exercise Mistakes to help you avoid the 5 common fitness mistakes so you get the results you deserve.