belly fat diet plan

Juice Fasting for Weight Loss

lose weight with juices

Traditionally juice diets have been used for detoxification purposes. The principles behind this are straightforward and do make sense, but are only designed for a short period of 2-3 days maximum (often called a juice fast). By only consuming fresh juices for a period of time you naturally abstain from fats, processed carbohydrates and refined …

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5 Best Drinks For Weight Loss

Losing weight isn’t an easy process. And it can be more difficult when trying to switch your beverage from sugar-sweetened drinks like juice and soda. Knowing what to drink when losing weight can be more difficult than finding out what to eat. There’s so much information about what beverages are good for you, it’s easy …

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How Eating Viscous Fiber Can Help Reduce Belly Fat

If you’re struggling to lose excess belly fat, there are several ways that you can start giving your body the boost it needs to get rid of it. One of the changes you can make to your diet is to incorporate more viscous fiber, also known as soluble fiber.