Wanting to lose weight is just the beginning of the journey to weight loss. If you want to get rid of extra weight, you have to do more than just want the weight to fall off. With weight loss, knowledge is power. If you’re struggling to lose weight, these 7 tips will help to make your weight loss journey a success.
7 Tips If You’re Struggling To Lose Weight
Rather than choosing a “diet” to lose weight, focus your efforts on creating a lifetime eating plan that becomes a permanent part of your routine. Just calling an eating change a “diet” fires up internal resistance. Sure, it’s easy to stick to it for a while, and some people are very good at repeatedly attaining their weight goals.
But, once the special event passes, or the love interest is gone, or the holidays hit, those people rebel against their self-imposed diet deprivation and the weight comes back.
1. Know It Will Take Time
Don’t kill yourself every day that you don’t lose a pound. Your goal is to have a healthier lifestyle over the long run, so minor day-to-day setbacks are completely irrelevant in the large scheme of things. This means that you need to be checking your weight trends and not daily weight.
2. Start New Habits
Start and end your day with activity to encourage lifelong habits that combat extra inches around the waist! When you wake up in the morning, start with a long stretch to get your muscles ready to move. This increases mobility, serves as a reminder of your convictions, and even improves blood flow. Stretching at the end of your day as well will reduce soreness from your new routine.
3. Eat More Smaller Meals
To maintain a healthy weight, eat five to six small, nutritious meals per day rather than three large meals. By splitting your meals up into smaller portions, you can keep your metabolism running strong, helping you to maintain your ideal weight. Not only that, but small, frequent meals can give you an energy boost when you need it most, helping you stay alert and focused throughout the day.
4. Don’t Deny Yourself Any Treats
When losing weight it’s important to not deny yourself. If you tell yourself you can’t have something, you’re going to end up wanting it even more. When that craving hits, only have a bite or two, and see if that causes your craving to pass. If losing weight becomes too complicated, you probably won’t stick to it.
5. Beware of Processed Foods
When focusing on nutrition it is important to bear in mind the limitations of processed and packaged foods. Often times they are produced using high amounts of refined sugars and lots of fat. You don’t have to give them up completely, just make sure that you don’t overdo it with them.
6. Watch Your Portions
Portion your meals out. Avoid using giant plates and bowls, instead, stick to portion-controlled plating. First, try by splitting your usual amount and then start using measurements with cups and with your hands, to ensure that you are getting a smaller amount, that still provides enough of the nutrients you need for the day.
Taking breaks during meals is an excellent way to evaluate if you are still hungry. Stop about half-way through your dinner and sit for about 30 seconds before continuing to eat. You may find that you’re done eating and you don’t need to continue. That will have saved you a lot of calories that you really didn’t need.
7. Cut Out Fast Food
Cut out fast food when you are trying to get a smaller waistline. Even the tiniest of fast food offerings can cause you to quickly derail any health benefit you have gained while on your diet. If you’re eating out, avoid greasy burgers and fries, go for grilled chicken and salad instead.
If you travel often and wonder how you will be able to stay on track with your weight loss efforts, try packing snacks in advance so you always have something healthy to munch on. You can also pack a jump rope or some resistance bands for a quick workout in your room.
Free Report: How To Stick With Your Weight Loss Goals
Arming yourself with what you need to know about how to lose weight, can help you take off the weight you want or need to. Having the desire and gaining knowledge, are two of the main things that you need for successful weight loss.
Making a promise to ourselves that we’re going to do something different than we have done in the past can be a challenge. Statistics show that by the end of the first week of setting a goal, 25% of people have given up and gone back to their pre-resolution ways. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re struggling to lose weight, download my free report, How To Stick With Your Weight Loss Goals to see how you can lose weight and keep it off!