healthy working from home

How to Stay Healthy While Working at Home

Nearly two years after the COVID-19 pandemic, roughly six-in-ten U.S. workers who say their jobs can mainly be done from home (59%) are working from home all or most of the time.

Working from home allows you to avoid commuting, set your own hours, have more time for family and friends, and avoid the pitfalls of working in an office. Unfortunately, it can also be a little more of a challenge to be healthier, since you are in your comfortable, cozy home where you have food at your disposal.

These tips below are going to help you stay healthy while working from home.

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4 Tips To Help Stay Healthy While Working at Home

1. Have a Designated Workspace

How to Stay Healthy While Working at Home

It can be difficult to be healthy and motivated during the day if you work in bed or on your couch. While this is okay some of the time, it shouldn’t be where you spend all day, every day while working.

What this does is make it too comfortable, to where you tend to not get as much work done, and it can really mess with your mental health.

Try to set up a designated workspace in your home, whether it’s a home office, part of the kitchen table, or a desk you have set up in a quiet place. Focus on work while in your workspace, and leave work there when it’s time to take a break.

2. Prep and Pack Your Meals and Snacks

Treat working from home as you would a job outside the home by preparing all your meals and snacks ahead of time. This will keep you from munching on unhealthy snacks all day, instead of eating well-balanced meals.

Make your breakfast in the morning, then prep your snacks and lunch for the day ahead of time. That way, you don’t take too much time away from working every time you need to have a meal or snack, and you already have the healthy snacks all planned out.

3. Get Dressed Every Morning

Another way to stay healthy while working at home is to get dressed. Similar to where you work, how you work can make a big difference in how your subconscious treats your work environment.

In the morning, take a shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed just like you were heading out of the home to your job. It puts you in the mood to work and gives you great focus and productivity.

4. Have Scheduled Breaks

Just because you’re working from home, doesn’t mean you should be working every time you’re at home.

You need breaks for your mental and physical health. Have a scheduled morning break to get up and take a walk, take your dog out, or stretch your legs. Your lunch break shouldn’t be at the same place as where you work, just like an afternoon break if you choose to take one. Take advantage of these breaks to get a little exercise in.

Free Download: 20 Ways To Be More Active

Developing healthier lifestyle habits can be challenging, but you have to ease yourself into it and stick to it. People are often amazed at how small changes can reap huge results. To help you leverage new habits into a lifetime of good health and better fitness download my free report 20 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active. Once you choose a healthy lifestyle, you’ll never have to worry about dieting again.