Avoiding Osteoporosis – The Silent Disease
Osteoporosis, known as the ‘silent disease’, is a medical condition where your bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue. It’s called the silent disease because it doesn’t exhibit symptoms like other diseases to tell you there is something wrong.
Many times people don’t find out they have it until they fracture a bone or happen to get a bone scan test.
By then, a considerable amount of bone density could have been lost without the individual knowing about it. However, there can be some telltale signs to warn you about this silent disease if you’re aware of what to watch for.
Free Report: 11 Foods To Eat For Healthy Bones
4 Signs And Symptoms Of The ‘Silent Disease’

Osteoporosis commonly occur in the hips and pelvis, spine and wrist. A hip fracture can be deadly in the elderly, and the life expectancy after a hip fracture is less than three years. It’s vitally important that you keep your bones healthy and strong.
In particular, watch for the 4 signs and symptoms which could indicate osteoporosis. Without knowing, most people wouldn’t relate these signs as the beginning of unhealthy bones!
1. Fingernails That Chip Easily
The unique common factor between fingernails and bones is collagen. Not only is it found in fingernails, but it is also the “glue” that binds together the minerals that make up bone. Other indictors of possible low collagen levels are spots or ridges on your fingernails. Ironically some of the same foods rich in calcium are also what the body needs to make collagen. Foods like dark green leafy vegetables, red fruits and vegetables, any of the oily fishes and soy products.
2. Gums That Are Receding
Receding gums can be an indicator of a weak jawbone. Shrinking gums usually show up as teeth that are getting loose or dentures that no longer fit as snug as they once did. Bone is bone, so if the jawbone is getting weak, so could other bones with disastrous results. Especially those that bear weight.
Hip bone breakage, usually due to a fall, is one of the most common breaks in older adults with unhealthy bones. As with all bone, the best way to slow down the loss is to eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Alternatively, sun exposure twice a week for about 15 minutes will also the body to create this important vitamin.
3. Reduction In Grip Strength
If your hand grip strength isn’t what it used to be when grabbing, turning and pulling, without other explanations like arthritis, unhealthy weak bones could be the cause. While scientists have not found a direct connection between the two, enough studies have shown a link between grip strength and bone health to make it an early bone health indicator to watch.
Adding kettlebells, or other types of strength training requiring gripping for an extended amount of time, to your exercise regimen is one of the best defenses to retain or increase grip strength.
4. Racing Heartbeat
This is another one where a direct connection to osteoporosis hasn’t been found. But a link has been established between a faster-than-average resting heart rate and an increased risk of a pelvic, spinal or wrist fracture. Some studies have shown that a resting heart rate (like the one you have after first waking up in the morning) over 80 beats per minute should be a concern. The best way to reduce your resting heart rate is to improve your fitness level through regular exercise, especially cardio training.
What Foods Should You Eat For Healthy Bones?
Stave off, or at least slow down the loss of this silent disease, by eating a balanced diet and exercising. In each of the four signs of unhealthy bones, these two things alone are keys to reducing the symptoms.
Healthy bones require two key nutrients in the proper quantities – the mineral calcium and vitamin D. Download this free report to discover 11 Foods To Eat For Healthy Bones that can help you reach your daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D.
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