8 Ways To Ruin Your Body And Health

Ruin Your Body And Health

For the most part, a bad habit is something that you do repetitively, that you can stop doing when you really and truly decide to, and that society has deemed to be bad. Often it breaks laws, customs or some moral code for the society.

Most people think that bad habits are something to be avoided because they can often affect your health and wellness.

However, some habits can develop without you even realizing it. Plus, you may not know that they are very bad for your body. Here are 8 ways to ruin your body and health with bad habits. But don’t worry – you can overcome these body-damaging demons.

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How To Ruin Your Body And Health

1.Sitting Too Much

One of the worst things you can do for your life is to sit all the time. That can’t be helped if your job requires sitting. However, it’s important to understand that sitting will harm your circulation, cardiovascular health, and contributes to obesity. The good news is you only need to exercise about 20 to 30 minutes a day for every four hours you sit to mitigate the damage.

2. Staying Up Late

It’s not going to harm you if you stay up late sometimes, but doing it regularly and still getting up on time can truly harm your body. You can end up having more cardiovascular disease and digestive issues if you stay up too late all the time.

3. Skipping Meals

It’s so tempting to skip meals when you’re busy, but this can be worse for you than you think. You may develop issues with your blood sugar, you might not get enough vitamins and minerals, and you may not be your best at work or at play without enough nutrition.

4. Emotional Eating

If you find that you eat due to being sad, happy, or feeling any other emotion, it’s good to stop this habit because it can lead to obesity – or even worse, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.

5. Not Hydrating

If you don’t drink at a minimum of eight glasses of fresh filtered water each day, you’re probably walking around dehydrated. When you pee, your pee should be almost clear or a very pale clear shade of yellow. It shouldn’t smell bad either. If you do have dark pee and it smells, drink more water. Water helps you process vitamins, minerals, and rid your body of toxins via your kidneys.

6. Poor Posture

If you don’t know how to sit, stand, or walk properly and you habitually do it incorrectly, eventually it will cause problems. Many people have severe hip problems simply from poor posture that limits mobility when they get older.

7. Binge Drinking

Drinking a drink or two a day isn’t bad for you. However, if you tend to overdo it when you drink, you may want to consider not drinking. If you binge drink, you may make poor decisions while you’re drunk, or you may simply end up sick with alcohol poisoning.

8. Smoking

Outside of sitting for more than four hours a day, smoking is the next thing on your list that is super-bad for your body. Smoking boosts your blood pressure, puts chemicals into your system and can cause cancer, stroke, and heart attack.

20 Good Habits For A Healthy Lifestyle

Ridding your life of habits that ruin your body and health is a good choice. Don’t try to tackle every one of the bad habits at once, though. Instead, attack one bad habit at a time. Work on replacing that bad habit with a healthy habit over 30 to 90 days to ensure you’ve beat it before moving on to the next.

People are often amazed at how small changes can reap huge results with their fitness. To help you stop those habits for your health download my free report 20  Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active. 


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