Remarkable Myths And Facts About Body Fat

Why You Can’t Lose Body Fat Completely

Body fat: that’s why you’re reading this article. Whether it’s to lose body fat over all or get a lose body fatslimmer tummy, you want to look and feel great. Aside from the fact that fat looks bad, your long-term health is directly related to how much excess body fat that you carry.

But, let’s get one thing straight right from the beginning. Body fat in and of itself isn’t bad. You do need some fat on your body for several reasons. But too much body fat can lead to problems.

Myths And Facts About Body Fat

Fat is the secondary source of energy for your body. The first is dietary sugars and starches. You need blood sugar to keep all body processes going. Dietary energy sources give out after approximately 10 minutes with heavy work or exercise, and then it switches to taking energy from the tissues around them which is usually the fat stored in the tissues. It takes this stored fat and converts it into sugar, which is then used for energy.

Fat is what makes a woman curvier and despite cultural and societal “norms” has forced on us through Hollywood and commercials, a woman’s body comes hardwired to have fat stores in certain places, particularly because of her childbearing capacity. While women may fight it, they will store fat around their belly and thighs especially during childbearing years as a built in safety precaution during pregnancy.

Why you don’t want to drop body fat completely

Another purpose for body fat is that it insulates you from adverse temperatures – both heat and cold. Like a layer of blankets, fat acts to protect your internal organs from temperature extremes. Fat is also the main pad on the bottom of your feet as well as the palms of your hands. Imagine walking on your bones for just a minute and then be thankful for fat. It’s also important to note that fat is used to pad organs throughout your body, too. This is a bit like when we stuff paper into a box before sealing it up to keep the contents from shifting around.

The dangers of excess body fat

So now we know we do need some body fat. The problem is obviously that the majority of us carry too much overall body fat, which shows up as a spare tire around our waistline or as embarrassing saddle bags. People who have excess belly fat often have more difficulty with chronic disease issues. There has been a direct correlation between abdominal fat accumulation and problems with diabetes.

Many people are unaware that diabetes is the leading cause of blindness and it is also a major cause of kidney disease. In addition to this, diabetes increases your chance of having heart disease and suffering from a stroke by almost 400%. Suffering from heart disease is one of the reasons to lose body fat if you’ve got too much of it.  When you’re at risk for heart disease, you’re also at risk for stroke. Strokes occur when blood vessels in the brain burst. This can cause death of specific areas of the brain that go without oxygen and nutrients.


If you can’t lose unwanted fat it can be pretty frustrating because the formula how to lower body fat is very simple. You need to fuel your body with the right foods, not overindulge, and allow your physical movement to burn up the fuel it’s been fed. Uncover the truth about how to reduce body fat, melt away stubborn stomach fat and 16 unusual yet super simple tricks and tips to lose body fat for good with this free video presentation.

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