12 Make-Ahead Snacks to Power Your Next Road Trip

Road trips and snacks go hand-in-hand. When you’re traveling long distances and have no access to a kitchen, it can be tempting to indulge in fast food, convenience store grub, and other sugary and salty snacks along the way. But for people with a strict diet plan, road trips can set back their progress and lead to frustration. The good news? With proper preparation, you don’t need to disrupt the regimen you worked so hard to keep for so long. 

While it’s absolutely okay to have some cheat days on your vacation, it’s also possible to stick to your healthy routine by preparing made-ahead snacks for your road trip. Snacks are often associated with unhealthy, low-nutrient munchies like chips and candy, but it’s not necessarily a sacrifice to opt for tasty, healthy, and filling choices. This graphic offers some road trip snacks and how to prepare them as a start.

12 Make-Ahead Snacks to Power Your Next Road Trip

Infographic by Say Insurance

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