Women throughout the ages have shared anti-aging advice with each other. From secret recipes for facial cream to brushing your hair 100 strokes, the advice doesn’t change much from culture to culture.
For skincare and to prevent or reduce wrinkles, most cultures take advantage of the natural ingredients in the region. The women of Latin America are known for glowing skin and the women of Asia are known for clear complexions. Their treatments all use natural ingredients and are included in the list below.
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Natural ingredients combined with a bit of work with the hands all result in reducing wrinkles and tightening the skin, with the result being younger, healthy skin.
From Japan:
The Japanese women are known for beautiful, smooth skin.
And to achieve this smoothness, they use a rice milk cleanser to exfoliate and smooth the skin. This cleanser works so well because of the combination of vitamin E with vitamin A and calcium from the milk. To make this yourself, form a paste of 1 cup of brown rice flour with 2 or 3 tablespoons of unsweetened rice milk. Massage the paste onto the skin in slow, circular motions. Rinse with tepid water and then apply moisturizer.
From China:
Tea is known for having antioxidants, which are known for their anti-aging properties.
White tea and green tea are rich in an antioxidant that helps reduce wrinkles and increase cell repair. You can create a face mask by mixing green tea powder into brewed white tea. Apply the mask to your face to reduce wrinkles. Let it dry. Then rinse with warm water.
From India:
Ginger tea is the favored drink for anti-aging. It is also easy to make yourself. Simply mix shredded ginger and honey in hot water. Honey has anti-bacterial properties that are known to help reduce inflammation, and ginger is rich in an antioxidant that helps protect against collagen breakdown. The result is smooth and wrinkle-free skin.
From Mexico:
The women in Mexico have beautiful hands because they use a scrub of sugar and lemon juice. The sugar is an exfoliant and sloughs away dead skin while the lemon juice is high in alpha hydroxyl acid that peels away the layer of dead skin cells. Use this treatment followed by a moisturizer and your hands will be smooth, silky, and wrinkle-free.
From India and Greece:
Both countries are known for their high-quality olive oil. The women make themselves an olive oil moisturizer.
Olive oil helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines and tightens sagging skin. It has a lot of vitamins A and E, functions as an antioxidant, while also hydrating the skin. Pour a few drops of virgin olive oil in the palm of your hand and apply to a clean face and neck using a circular motion. Massage for about 5 minutes and leave on the face all night as you sleep. Wash it off with water in the morning.
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