Weight loss is a hot topic. Every day you can find articles, podcasts and videos telling you the best ways to lose weight.
For some people, the answer is a fad diet. For others, it’s a strict workout program. People hotly debate the technique that is the best for weight loss. But can you lose weight without working out at all?
Free Download: 20 Simple Ways To Burn More Calores & Be More ActiveHow Can You Lose Weight Without Working Out?
Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)
It’s important to consider TDEE or total daily energy expenditure. This is an estimation of how many calories you burn per day when exercise is taken into account. This means the energy burned at rest and sitting, combined with the energy you burn in purposeful activity each day.
If you burn more energy or calories than you consume you may be able to lose weight without ever working out.
Calorie Deficit
One of the keys to weight loss is burning more calories than you consume in a day, and also throughout the week.
Part of the reason people gain weight is overeating which causes a calorie surplus. More energy is consumed than is burned leaving some extra. This can be achieved through dieting and exercise or any combination of the two.
Often people exercise to add a greater calorie burn to their day. You also see people using fitness tracking bands to track steps.
What it all comes down to is being more active in a day to create a greater calorie deficit from any type of purposeful activity. If it’s not exercise, it’s diet. Reducing the number of calories that you consume in a day increases calorie deficit greatly.
Nutrient-Dense Foods
One way to feel satiated and satisfied but safely increase your calorie deficit is to be sure to eat nutrient-dense food.
First, let’s talk about what nutrient-dense food is not. A fast-food meal from a drive-thru window is not nutrient-dense. The fat, calories and carbs in a small portion of fries can result in you wanting more of those fries to feel satisfied. In contrast, a nutrient-dense food is a type of healthy food that you can eat a large volume of without consuming many calories, or any unfavorable macronutrients.
Some nutrient-dense foods include grapes, blueberries, and green vegetables or salad. It takes a large quantity of these foods to overeat. This makes nutrient-dense food very “diet-friendly.”
Workout Free Weight Loss
If you eat a diet high in nutrient-dense foods and have a daily activity level that leaves you in a calorie deficit, it’s possible that you could lose weight without ever working out.
Is it likely? Not for most. In reality, it often takes a balance of a healthy diet with increased physical activity for weight loss.
Exercise doesn’t have to be painful or extremely strenuous to get results. Simply walking or biking instead of driving to local destinations is one way to increase daily activity. Parking further from a store entrance when out running errands is another way to sneak in extra exercise. Eating slightly less of each dish at dinner every night can help cut calories in a hassle-free way as well.
It all comes down to what you do most days of the week consistently. If the majority of your days are filled with healthy meals and some exercise you are well on your way to improved health and fitness.
Free Download: 20 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active
Developing healthier lifestyle habits can be challenging, but you have to ease yourself into it and stick to it. People are often amazed at how small changes can reap huge results. To help you leverage new habits into maintaining a strong body download my free report 20 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Active. Once you choose a healthy lifestyle, you’ll never have to worry about dieting again.