How To lose Belly Fat And Stay Positive
These is a basic formula on how to lose belly fat. You need to eat the right foods and burn more calories than you have eaten. And to burn those calories you have to physically get moving.
Whilst eating a healthy diet is important, if you think that you know how to lose belly fat without physical exercise, the odds are stacked against you. Exercise makes it easier for you to lose weight (especially fat) and it has numerous health benefits.
But what do you do if you physically cringe when someone tells you about a yoga session, a dance class, some stand up paddle-boarding or a cycle ride that they just enjoyed? If you want to know how to lose belly fat and you hate exercise, but you want to benefit from the wonderful physical and mental rewards physical fitness offers, take a look at these 5 tips below.
Free Report: 15-Minute Fitness Workouts
5 Tips On How To Lose Belly Fat if You Hate Exercising
1. Don’t Think Of Exercise As Exercise
Exercise covers every type of physical activity and it is the best way to burn fat. Playing catch with your kids, taking your dog for a walk around the park and mowing your lawn are all examples of exercise. Find ways to keep physically moving with activities you actually enjoy, and you will find yourself ‘exercising’ more frequently, and you’ll enjoy it too.
2. Use the Habit-Forming Power of Your Brain
If your living room is too dark, do you think about what you need to do? Of course not. You simply flick a light switch, and not a single microsecond of conscious effort went into the process. Human beings can turn conscious behavior into unconscious habits quickly and that’s the best way to lose fat. Set a regular schedule to exercise 3 times per week, all at the same time each day and for the same length of time. After 20 to 30 consistent repetitions, your brain will start putting exercise on an unconscious schedule that ensures you don’t miss a workout.
3. Make It Social
Ask any physical fitness coach or expert how to lose belly fat and one of their top recommendations will be to you get yourself a workout partner. When you have an accountability partner, especially when it’s a friend or family member you respect and admire, you have a much better chance of following up on your exercise commitments. If you want to take this proven fitness technique even further, join a large class of like-minded individuals that make your physical fitness efforts socially rewarding.
4. Keep a Journal
This should be a nutrition journal as well as a record of exercise. If you do not like exercising, it may be because you don’t usually see results. In the back of your mind, you may think, “I exercise all the time. But I have nothing to show for it.” Keeping a journal keeps you honest. You can truly see whether or not you are putting in the time required to get the efforts desired.
5. Focus on the Result, Not the Effort
Why do you want to know how to lose belly fat? Do you want a body you can be proud of looking at in the mirror? Do you wish you could wear your swimsuit without feeling self-conscious? Maybe you realize the health risks of excess belly fat and want to become healthier, so you can spend more quality time with your children or grandchildren. Whatever the reasons, remember the ‘why’ you are exercising, and you will find yourself enjoying exercise instead of hating it.
15 Minute Exercise Routine
The best way to lose fat is to combine healthy eating with a regular exercise routine. Dieting is a great way to start when you want to lose weight but you will eventually hit a plateau and need to add exercise into the mix. For many of us, finding time to exercise when you’re busy is something we know we should do, but exercise is often the first thing to get dropped. However, it is possible to significantly improve your health and fitness with short workout sessions. Download this free report to see how you can start and maintain a 15-minute fitness plan.

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